E309 | Capcom Confirms E3 2009 Line-up

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.05.2009 7

E309 | Capcom Confirms E3 2009 Line-up on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has confirmed their line-up of games to be shown or playable at this year's E3 event next week.

Unfortunately the much hyped mystery game will not be shown during the event (unless Capcom change its minds once again). The publisher noted that the project will be revealed at a later date.

  • [NDS] Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
  • [PC] Bionic Commando
  • [360][PS3][PC] Dark Void
  • [360][PS3][PC] Dead Rising 2
  • [PSP] Fate
  • [360][PC] Lost Planet 2
  • [360][PS3] Marvel vs. Capcom 2
  • [NDS] Mega Man Star Force 3
  • [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
  • [WII] Resident Evil: Archives
  • [WII] Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
  • [WII] Spyborgs
  • [PC] Street Fighter IV
  • [WII] Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

    Which of these games will you be following at E3 2009? What do you think of Capcom's overall line-up?

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    Thanks Capcom, more shitty RE Wii ports.

    Spyborgs better be decent.

    ( Edited 29.05.2009 14:18 by Darkflame )

    http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    No Monster Hunter Tri?

    They still have 3 surprise games on top of this don't they? One of them may have been Tats Vs Cap

    Looking forward to seeing SEGA VS Capcom, Square VS Capcom and Nintendo VS Capcom soon. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Looks nice... if this were a PS3 or Xbox centric website. Left in the cold again by a major player.

    I am not saying that RESmilieC does not get me a slight tingle but it does not even cover foreplay!

    I may have to purchase those missing parts for my Xbox 360 finally to get something fresh. Smilie

    SuperLink said:
    They still have 3 surprise games on top of this don't they? One of them may have been Tats Vs Cap

    Looking forward to seeing SEGA VS Capcom, Square VS Capcom and Nintendo VS Capcom soon. Smilie

    I think it was 2 games initially - Tats vs Cap was one of them, and the other has been delayed until a later date :/

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Canyarion said:
    No Monster Hunter Tri?

    Well at least Tatsunoko VS Capcom is on the list. Although I'm still praying they don't do Pay to Play online with MH3. If that's done with MH3 I may not even purchase it.

    Tat V-S Cap and Marvel V-S Cap are the only things on that list worth looking at...Lost Planet 2 may get a sneaky look though

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