First Look at US Tatsunoko vs Capcom

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.05.2009 6

First Look at US Tatsunoko vs Capcom on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have taken a first look at Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, as the fighter has finally been confirmed for a release in the US/Europe.

Last week the publisher revealed that the game will definitely leave Japan this year despite previous reports suggesting otherwise. In the first look it's been confirmed that a majority of content will make it across, but there may be some pruning and changes to avoid licensing and copyright issues.

Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (53 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Looks awesome really hoping that this gets a EU release.

I have to be honest as well it looks like its going to play better than SFIV did on 360 and PS3 so that will be a real feather in the cap for Wii owners.

( Edited 29.05.2009 10:41 by Tman!! )

Tman!! said:
Looks awesome really hoping that this gets a EU release.

as the fighter has finally been confirmed for a release in the US/Europe.

Looks Awesome, something I\'d deffinately want to get.

( Edited 29.05.2009 11:06 by Stulaw )

In the first look it's been confirmed that a majority of content will make it across, but there may be some pruning and changes to avoid licensing and copyright issues.

Hmmm... so does this mean every region will have certain characters added/dropped? I really want the Samurai Pizza Cats to be in this gameSmilie

I think it'll be more like, certain Tats franchises will be dropped altogether, and will be replaced with more Tats characters from the same franchises as already existing ones. Here's an example:

Since there is one character from Hurricane Polymer, and two from Yatterman, Capcom are more likely to get the rights to Yatterman, possibly remove Polymer and add another Yatterman character in its place.

Something like that.

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That is unbelievably sexy! Is that a Wii exclusive?

White Ranger said:
That is unbelievably sexy! Is that a Wii exclusive?

Indeed it is, other being being on Arcade too.

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