Majesco Flips Wii into a Twisted World

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.05.2009 11

Majesco Flips Wii into a Twisted World on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Majesco has announced a new Wii platformer exclusively for Wii, Flip's Twisted World.

You play as Flip, an apprentice who messes with a magic artefact and is sucked into a bizarre cubed universe. To escape he must literally turn the world over through 5 unique environments, oh and stop the destruction of the universe, naturally! Using the Wii remote you'll be able to twist your environment about, helping poor Flip gather 5 tools to aid his journey home.

Tommy Tallarico has also been confirmed to be helping out by penning an original music score for the game.

Flip's Twisted World offers a truly innovative take on the traditional platform game by sidestepping conventional design in favor of a three-dimensional, perspective-altering approach. With a charismatic main character, fantastic puzzle landscapes and a unique gameplay mechanic, Flip's gives platform game fans something to look forward to in the new year.

Gui Karyo, Executive Vice President of Operations for Majesco.

Box art for Flip's Twisted World





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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great game mechanics. Looks inspired by mario galaxy but nothing wrong with that. Shame you weren't inspired by the same graphical quality of galaxy. As for character design it is really lacking. (main guy looks so forgettable)

Nice concept, naff art direction/visuals - some of it's pretty alrite, but in general needs buffing up.

The main guy looks like a Magikoopa on crack or something!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I think you will see so much of that on the wii. Because motion control has inspired new concepts. Games will rarely get everything right.
Here we have great concept that hasnt been visually executed.

What is this bar to the left of my comment about? Why does it increase with more posts and why has it levelled up? lol. Am I in some text RPG Im not aware of?

( Edited 27.05.2009 15:01 by meeto_0 )

It reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy and I like the concept. The environments look a bit empty though and it makes the game look a bit bland for me.

Its a different take on Super Paper Mario to me. Nice idea. I would have preffered it to be a grab game instead of point/shake to change. Like you grab the universe and spin it around..etc if you understand. As far as im concerned every game should use M+ as standard and if this doesnt i probably wont pick it up.

Finally a Super Mario Galaxy clone. For a long time I thought developers had just given up the Nintendo-ruled genre.

And yes, that character looks awfully boring.

Well it's nice to have a new 3D platformer on Wii.

Looks a little bland and running at 30FPS instead of 60FPS, needs a little bit more smoothing out and some extra animation here and there and it could be a winner.

Nice idea. Hopefully it'll be fleshed out more with time. Like everyone's said, the style of everything is very forgettable.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Whens the last time a platformer other than mario used gold coins?

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Don't care about the art design. The concept is interesting, hope Majesco has some decent game and level designers to piece it together.

meeto_0 said:
What is this bar to the left of my comment about? Why does it increase with more posts and why has it levelled up? lol. Am I in some text RPG Im not aware of?

Yus - the level bars go up with posts, and your star count comes from other members (usually those who have been here a while) who send you stars as a reward for good posting Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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