High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.05.2009 23

High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update 28/05/2009:

Original story:
With E3 heading back to Los Angeles next week, High Voltage has sparked up some excitement with a gory Gladiator game for Wii.

The studio behind Sega's upcoming exclusive Wii FPS The Conduit had announced that two new games are Wii bound and would be shown around E3 time. Last night IGN exclusively revealed a brutal fighter that takes a step back to the ruthless Roman times: Image for High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut VideoGladiator A.D.

The aim is to bring a cast of unique characters, each with their own individual story/stats into the ring to try and win favour from the crowd and work their way up the ranks to become the Grand Champion. Some go for the honour route, others motivated by revenge etc. Like The Conduit, the game will be utilising the Quantum 3 engine, with improvements in detail due to less characters in smaller environments. The studio claims that its new "Impostor / Instancing" tech allows multiple characters, even thousands, to appear on screen without draining the framerate.

Image for High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut Video
Image for High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut Video
Image for High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut Video
Image for High Voltage Bring Gory Gladiator Game to Wii - Update: Debut Video

Is it a fighting game, however? It's described as a "hybrid between 3D Fighting games like Bushido Blade and Boxing games like Fight Night" - intense combat with a hint of strategy/careful thinking. Those wanting a little bit more precision will also be happy to know that MotionPlus is supported with other control methods (other than the remote/nunchuck) currently being considered.

As for multiplayer - split screen has been confirmed for local play, and online is being strongly hinted at (given that The Conduit already does, it's pretty likely that Gladiator A.D. would do also).

Be sure to read IGN's interview for more information, soundtrack samples and screens.

Box art for Tournament of Legends

High Voltage







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Interesting game purely for the motionplus aspect. Hope they do it justice. The game looks great too. Hope a lot of hand to hand combat games start to appear across different genres.

look nice but what the gameplay is they anything new or is it just one more game?

Our member of the week

I'm not that interested in the background theme for the moment. I'd have been more interested if it had permitted escapades through the old Rome between fights, with great focus on the fighters' past. That would have been awesome. But a game involving nearly only fighting with a gladiatir theme, no. Sorry. I'll skip.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

kafei2006: I would have preferred a brawler type game. I think they wanted a shorter developement type game. Plus it allows them to squeeze every last drop of power from the wii having constricted levels.

But fighters are greatly overlooked on wii (credible ones) So Im not going to discount it.

Hnmmm I am more interested in this than conduit i think .

Now we know what the secret Wii game IGN was teasing is

Image for


Not interested Smilie

What's quite scary is that some members of NeoGAF actually managed to crack the secret game image almostly perfectly a week ago. Smilie

This sounds like it has potential, particularly with the Motion Plus aspect. I'll keep my eye on it.

If it's anywhere close to Bushido Blade in terms of realism- such as careful timing, and not just button mashing, then i will definitely pick this game up. Looks like HVS is on a roll right now Smilie let's just hope their momentum results in quality, and not quantity.

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Mason said:
What's quite scary is that some members of NeoGAF actually managed to crack the secret game image almostly perfectly a week ago. Smilie

This sounds like it has potential, particularly with the Motion Plus aspect. I'll keep my eye on it.

Even weirder Some at NeoGaf were saying that it's one of High Voltage's games.

I'm definitely gunna keep a close watch on this one. A fighter with M+ sounds intriguing; also HVS has had the right attitude about what to do with the Wii from the startSmilie

Some of these screens look a bit rank, but the others look very promising. Can't wait to see it all in action; seems to have a fair bit of potential!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hmmm not too thrilled that it's a fighter, those tend to get boring pretty quickly.
Could be interesting with motion plus though.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

HMMM, reserve the judgement for when it comes out, but I was looking at High Voltages track record last night and they have never relased a decent title since they opened in 1995, no AAA titles in there catalog. Conduit is getting 7-8/10 scores, good but not great scores so I imagine Gladiator could end up being average.

Guess I should be more optimistic though since they are trying to bring good games for the Wii

edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Voltage_Software this hows there average review scores, looks pretty bad, also new game announced The Grinder

( Edited 27.05.2009 06:29 by vivisapprentice )

This looks very cool,if online is included i'll get it

vivisapprentice said:
. Conduit is getting 7-8/10 scores, good but not great scores so I imagine Gladiator could end up being average.

How can a game that hasn\'t been reviewed be getting those scores?

Not really hyped for Gladiator, maybe with more info and later in the life cycle of the development it\'ll look better (character models look good, just the backgrounds).

( Edited 28.05.2009 01:14 by Stulaw )

Ok, the video definitely does not excite me.

Of course I knew in advance that I wouldn't like such a violent game.

Looks like crap!

Conduit is getting 7-8/10 scores

Its had *one* review so far, and that was an 8.

That said, its around what I expected.
This is a studio trying their hardest and doing a heck of a lot more then most on the platform...but they are still small and inexpirenced for this stuff.

( Edited 28.05.2009 18:34 by Darkflame )

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The trailer was pretty cool. The viewpoint and transparency gives me almost Punch-Out!! vibes (albeit an ultra violent version, with swords), but that's probably just because I'm playing it at the moment. Smilie

Hmmm... the video brings my interest up a little. I'm not to concerned about about this compared to their FPS titles, but I'm still gunna keep an eye on it to see where it goes. This game looks to be what their tech demo was primarily based on.

Darkflame said:
Its had *one* review so far, and that was an 8.

I didn't know reviews could be given before games are released. I thought since that could affect 1st day sells that wasn't allowed?

I don't know why people hate this so much, it looks alright. Nothing special, but pretty decent nonetheless.

I'm no graphics whore or anything, but that game really does look terrific in motion, especially considering it's a Wii game.

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

I like the bit at the end of the trailer, Coming Early MM A.D like games take a milenium to finish.

The trailer was alright, though I'm not sure weither there was a lack of AA or bad lighting, still, i'm sure they're improving everyday.

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