Square Enix to Reveal 3 Big E3 Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.05.2009 8

Square Enix to Reveal 3 Big E3 Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst Square Enix won't have a press conference this year, reports suggest that there are 3 big titles to be announced.

According to Australian website Gameplayer, the Japanese RPG giant will be revealing the threesome prior to the event in just over a week's time. Two of which should be multiplatform.

What games/franchises do you think S-E will be bringing over this year?

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Tomb Raider: Advent Children.

Dragon Quest: The Hitman Chronicles.

Deus Ex Chrono Trigger.

Or: I don't care that much.

Way to get my hopes up C3. D: I've pretty much given up hope for an FFV remake now, but maybe KHIII will be announced or something.

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Well on Nintendo Platforms... Prob some FF games on the DS, remakes most likely and some decent games for the 360 and PS3.

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If there's an exclusive, then it'll be either for PSP, or DS, or Wii. Multiplatform should mean that it would be PS360, i don't see them bringing more exclusive titles to either the 360 or the PS3.

On the other hand i could see them coming up with a new Wii game. It seems lately that every major developper is coming up with its new wii title, for hardcore gamers. SE might have at least one in that case IMHO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ive heard rumours of a Front mission exclusive for 360 around, the 360PS3 MMPORPG codenamed rapture will be the other title, and maybe a suprise for the 3rd, maybe wii??

I just hope its some new IP.

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Just read some news, out of the 3 games, 2 are sequels to SE\'s well known franchises (so front mission is most likely one based on this teaser site http://na.square-enix.com/mystery/ and rumours) the third game is the recently announced PS3/xbox360 action game titled Nier. And maybe rapture will bacome the new online Final Fantasy to take FFXI\'s place.

A wii game is looking unlikely now

( Edited 26.05.2009 09:14 by vivisapprentice )

"And we would like you to take part in one 'Final' world *lights dim* *video starts*-----------*video ends* Yes you saw right, the good folks over at Square- Enix will be bringing a remake of Final Fantasy VIII to the Wii! Complete with gorgeous new visuals, full voice overs, and Wii MotionPlus enhanced controls. And, as a pre-order bonus, you will recieve a life-sized replica of Squalls 'Lionheart' gunblade." Smilie Smilie Smilie

...one can dream right?

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