Gambling Issues for Euro Pokémon Platinum

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.05.2009 24

Gambling Issues for Euro Pokémon Platinum on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a bizzare move the slot machines have been removed from the European release of Pokémon Platinum.

One of the expected features in every mainline Pokémon release is the inclusion of the addictive Game Corner, where trainers can part with their hard earned cash to try and win prizes. However with the release of Platinum in Europe, it's apparently been removed - along with all slot machines - to shield children from the effects of gambling.

Those wanting their slot machine fix can still find it in the Australian/US editions.

Thanks to Aussie-Nintendo.

Do you agree with this move, or is it another ridiculous 21st century move to overly "protect" children?

Box art for Pokémon Platinum Version

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If anything, the slot machines in Red/Blue taught me that they were all rigged.

( Edited 04.04.2013 16:27 by Guest )

Wow, that's.... really stupid.
Not like I ever use the GameCorner anyway.... But Slot Machine was one of the easiest machines to get coins from Smilie

( Edited 04.04.2013 16:27 by Guest )

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Good old Nintendo, shielding proper Pokemon from kids around the country.

( Edited 04.04.2013 16:27 by Guest )

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( Edited 04.04.2013 16:27 by Guest )

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Well, if they were realisticly-set machines, then it would be fine, as it would demonstrate nicely how you can piss your money away on them. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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shiptoncraig said:
Good old Nintendo, shielding proper Pokemon from kids around the country.

With censorship like this for the sake of kids I think an MMO is looking pretty impossible right now. Smilie

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SuperLink said:
shiptoncraig said:
Good old Nintendo, shielding proper Pokemon from kids around the country.

With censorship like this for the sake of kids I think an MMO is looking pretty impossible right now. Smilie

I've seen the light and agree Smilie

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Wow, this really is going a bit far, what's next? the pokemon won't be able to do any attacks to protect kids from violence?( this is sarcasm btw).

Still, when we were kids, Nintendo obviously wanted us to be gambling addicts.

Oh dear. What's next? Is Team Rocket hacking off Slowpoke tails gonna be too graphic a concept for EU HeartGold/SoulSilver? Smilie

That's weird, there's not been a problem with them in the EU editions before has there...?

Ikana said:
Oh dear. What\'s next? Is Team Rocket hacking off Slowpoke tails gonna be too graphic a concept for EU HeartGold/SoulSilver? Smilie

They changed it a bit now it\'s ruined!!!
But seriously that\'d be stupid, especially when Pokémon Special is still epic.


( Edited 25.05.2009 12:45 by SuperLink )

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Pfft, why didn't they just make it a 16+ game? Smilie

SuperLink said:

Yeah they should get rid of that!
Like Homer Simpson once said: "Aah, now Lisa won't know about death until it strikes someone close to her."

Nah, its perfectly fan to addict kids to the brand, having them spend billions of dollars on dumb merchandise and obsessing them over "catching them all" -- but the slot machine, darn, that's gotta go. Smilie

Jees that's a stupid move, c'mon - it's been there since the beginning!

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Jacob4000 said:
Nah, its perfectly fan to addict kids to the brand, having them spend billions of dollars on dumb merchandise and obsessing them over "catching them all" -- but the slot machine, darn, that's gotta go. Smilie

Actually Nintendo don't want you to "catch them all" anymore. That slogan is defunct because it's too hard to catch them all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's a completely unnecessary and pointless move.
Especially since, correct me if I'm wrong, Diamond and Pearl, of which has been released looong ago, still have the Game Corner.
And they are pretty much the exact same thing, minus a few extras Platinum added.
It's not like the Game Corner in the Sinnoh region hasn't been exposed to the children already.
And like they use it!
I highly doubt any child focuses all of their time on Pokemon Platinum to getting 9999 coins through the machines
They would just buy the coins.
Nintendo, this is official FAIL.
Now, I'm going to go and let all the children I can find know that there's a Game Corner in Veilstone!
[Because I doubt most of them knew what the building was for, or there.]

Come on, who doesn't love to gamble?

Well then what the heck are they going to replace it with?

And does this mean that every single game of chance/skill that runs on tokens in Europe will be removed?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Overprotective if you ask me... Heck I've been around slot machines a lot as a kid. My mom loves to go to casinos and such. That doesn't make me want to gamble at all though. Nowhere near as good as my mother in playing them as I'd blow $100 in an hour! Lesson learned! Smilie

Another contradictory statement from nintendo. Does it not care for kids in it own region and US.

The same kind of BS statement when they declared that price cuts on hardware were unfair on early adopters. They have no problem charging for wii sports in japan instead of bundling it for free like they do in every other region.

( Edited 25.05.2009 17:23 by meeto_0 )

i think it's simple fact they didn't want the gambling logo located on the box, it may have even pushed the age limit up possibly reducing sales to there biggest audiance, children.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0 said:
i think it\'s simple fact they didn\'t want the gambling logo located on the box, it may have even pushed the age limit up possibly reducing sales to there biggest audiance, children.

That\'s the sad truth of it. It\'s really PEGI\'s fault, not Nintendo\'s. 42AllTime Classics had a higher rating due to \"Gambling\", so I don\'t think Nintendo would want that risk with Pokémon.

( Edited 25.05.2009 18:28 by SuperLink )

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Damned overreacting parents!

( Edited 29.05.2009 10:06 by Firefly )

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