Capcom: Mystery E3 Game isn't DMC5

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.05.2009 14

Capcom: Mystery E3 Game isn

Capcom have been using their Twitter account as a way of teasing what their second mystery game will be at this year's E3.

It had been speculated, and near confirmed, that one of the new projects at this year's expo would be "Devil May Cry 5", however this has since been officially shot down. It's not going to be the latest chapter in the Devil May Cry series, but will be an action title from an already established franchise.

  • Capcom fact # 1: It's NOT Devil May Cry 5
  • Capcom fact # 2: It's an action game
  • Capcom fact # 3: It's from an established Capcom franchise
  • Capcom fact # 4: It's not a remake
  • Capcom fact # 5: It's being developed by Capcom Japan
  • Capcom Unity Twitter page
  • Thanks to

    What franchise do you think Capcom will be debuting at E3 2009?

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    Our member of the week

    Could be anything XD.

    Captain Commando
    Gun Smoke

    oh and to be honest, Resident Evil has become an action series to me Smilie, so it'll probably be that one.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    Resident Evil is unlikely due to Darkside Chronicles already being announced. Could be a Wii version of Bionic Commando or Lost Planet. I'd like it to be Mega Man, though...

    I'm going to throw it out there:
    Viewtiful Joe? (yes I know clover is gone)

    well if its not a remake Im guessing its not going to be on the wii. LOL

    Dont be silly, it still could be a cheap, lazy spin-off on-rails shotter. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    Another retro Mega Man would be awesome! Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I've never cared much about Capcom games... even though I own a few for the Cube.

    Most of them just aren't my style.

    A new Mega Man Legends could be on the cards since fans have been asking for it constantly in recent years.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Ok, lets think of the best possible scenaro here, and start a load of rumours over it shall we?

    Okami 2 anyone? Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    I know P.N.03 didn't do so well when they launched it during the Gamecube days, but I'd be thrilled if they made a sequel to it. I still play that game to this day!

    Would need further hints along the line of

    1 its not onrails shit
    2 its not a collection of mini games
    3 it wont look like dead rising on wii
    4 it will be both challenging and engrossing
    5 It does have meaningful motion/IR controls and use motion plus

    otherwise Im not interested

    Actually that pretty much all I ask for in all new games for the wii; those 5 things.

    ( Edited 25.05.2009 17:24 by meeto_0 )

    i hate Twitter Smilie

    jesusraz said:
    A new Mega Man Legends could be on the cards since fans have been asking for it constantly in recent years.
    Darkflame said:
    Ok, lets think of the best possible scenaro here, and start a load of rumours over it shall we?

    Okami 2 anyone? Smilie

    Echoes221 said:
    I'm going to throw it out there:
    Viewtiful Joe? (yes I know clover is gone)

    Yeah those were the first 3 games I thought of. And even if Clover is gone, isn't Joe in Tatsunoko VS Capcom? Maybe those can be some straws to grab at? So is the Blue Bomber form legends, maybe that can mean something tooSmilie

    jb said:
    Another retro Mega Man would be awesome! Smilie

    I wasn't a fan of that move Capcom pulled with that DL title. I'm all about 2D sprites, but I don't like senseless cash ins on people's nostalgia. I say senseless because they chose to go 8bit with Mega Man 9 even though MM8 wasn't in that style and that just didn't make sense to me.

    RyuKaze (guest) 15.01.2010#14

    Could be Bayonetta

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