Secret of Mana, Star Ocean Remakes Coming

By Adam Riley 24.05.2009 5

Secret of Mana, Star Ocean Remakes Coming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has confirmed that two remakes of classic RPGs are on their mobile handsets. Just as Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness went the way of the mobile (eventually turning up on DS in Japan), plus Final Fantasy IV: The After landed on handsets (before becoming The After Years for WiiWare in the West), a few more games have been confirmed as heading to the extraordinarily popular mobile platforms in Japan this year.

First up is news of the 1993 SNES classic 'Secret of Mana' (reviewed here on the Virtual Console), or Seiken Densetsu 2 as it is know in Japan, which follows on from the mobile phone upgrade of the Sword of Mana project from GBA (which itself was a remake of the original Seiken Densetsu from the Game Boy). The official website can be found here, featuring the gorgeous title screen tune playing in the background.

Could Seiken Densetsu 3 be next?

Next, after Squaresoft's Action RPG, is something from the Enix side of the company, Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, a Japanese-only release that originally launched on the Game Boy Colour on 28th June, 2001 and has so far never been ported to any other system.

Star Ocean: Blue Sphere's official website can be found here. The side-story to the main Star Ocean series will return with remade graphics and an updated soundtrack, hitting iMode phones in Japan only this July.

Finally, there is news of Capcom not completely deserting the Breath of Fire RPG series, with a sequel to the PSone's Breath of Fire IV on the way to mobiles as well.

Could any of these find their way to the DS or even the DSiWare or WiiWare download services? Square Enix has already confirmed Dragon Quest Wars for DSiWare and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years for WiiWare, plus has stated it has six DSiWare projects on the boil, so perhaps Nintendo fans might have some luck in this regard...

Box art for Secret of Mana








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Urgh, I hope these come out here somehow. I've been wondering how the hell I could play Blue Sphere.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I know - it's one of those rare games that for some reason hasn't been fan-translated (along with Tales of the Tempest DS).

Secret of Mana seemed to ride quite high on the UK VC chart for ages and I have a feeling it did very well in other territories as well because of its cheap price compared to buying the original on eBay. Surely that will give S-E a nudge about bringing this to the West...even if it's shoved on WiiWare I'd be happy, although wireless three-player fun via DSiWare would be cool.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wow! Doing a remake of Secret of Mana/Sieken Densetsu 2 is sooooo much cooler than bringing Sieken Densetsu 3 to the western world. Smilie

Secret of Mana is already on wii vrtual console

Our member of the week

Still got my Secret of Mana cartridge but i'm interested in seeing what it's gonna look like.

If it's a remake a least as good as sword of mana, then i'll hope it comes to our side.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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