New Level-5 DS RPG Screens - Ninokuni: The Another World

By Adam Riley 24.05.2009 5

New Level-5 DS RPG Screens - Ninokuni: The Another World on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 has released new details and screenshots of its new RPG for DS, in association with Studio Ghibli (Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle) - Ninokuni: The Another World, which is currently only listed as '2009' (with a home console version also planned eventually), but considering it has so far had plenty more coverage than Inazuma Eleven 2, which hits in October, it is expected before that time.
The game has players in the role of a 13-year-old boy called Oliver who has lost his mother, Ali, and must travel between two different worlds during the adventure in order to attempt to bring her back to life.

Be sure to check out the screenshots in the media folder below, which includes some of the cut-scene work included from Studio Ghibli.

Box art for Ni no Kuni





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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Ghiblis films are amazing and I seriously thought if I was a game developer I would want to take on a kids adventure game with ghiblis films as inspiration. Im very interested in this. Hope the home console game includes wii.

It would be mad not too.

Looks excelent. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It's like Inazuma Eleven Break - many presume it'll just end up being on Wii due to Level 5 having such success on the DS with the likes of Professor Layton and Inazuma Eleven.

Let's hope so, anyway Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Love level 5 games, cant wait for more layton, DQIX and white knight chronicles!! Also there PSP game Ushiro looks amazing. And hopefully they will be announced as the developers of DQX for wii

vivisapprentice said:
Also there PSP game Ushiro looks amazing.

I do wonder if it can live up to Square Enix's Nanashi no Game, though. I'm all for horror-led adventures Smilie Cardboard Senki on PSP looks cool as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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