Capcom Undecided About Resident Evil 5 Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2009 17

Capcom Undecided About Resident Evil 5 Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest chapter in the Resident Evil series has done well on Xbox 360 and PS3 but Capcom are still undecided about a possible Wii version.

Reuters Japan recently quizzed Capcom's Kazuhiko Abe on sales for the game on both the HD consoles, revealing that the studio has not "decided [sic] to offer it or not."

Thanks to NeoGAF, TheNintendo.

Would you be interested in a version of Resident Evil 5 for Wii? Or at least the same story but a different game entirely?

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Shinji Mikami's not in Capcom anymore, so even a Wii Edition is doomed to failure. Smilie

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Did it do well? I thought the general reaction was \"meh\"

Not that I see harm in a port. Re4, and the spin-offs have sold good on the Wii.

( Edited 22.05.2009 12:08 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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well, if they did, atleast nintendo would be up to date seeing as zero to 4 are on nintendos already. from what i played and seen of 5, i didnt really care for it, but re4 was best for wii conpaired to ps2, pc and even gamecube. so maybe it\'ll be the same for 5...

on a side note, yay, yet another non-original resident evil wii game... always a port or remake, rail shooter or not, still a remake.

( Edited 22.05.2009 12:32 by welshwuff )

A not rail shooter, but one more like resi4, would make me very interested.

RE5 sold well, but received average reviews. Apparently it's not as good as RE4.

I wouldn't want RE5 for the Wii. It would probably be a downgraded port of an already average game. And most RE lovers will already own it for their HD consoles.

If, on the other hand, they would fix the many weak points of the game, it could sell pretty well.

Interesting that previously they said even the title screen couldn't be run on Wii, but now they're 'undecided'...If it DOES happen, I reckon we'll see something done with RE2, 3 and Code Veronica first.

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I want something that isnt a guided first person experience. Or a game with pre rendered backgrounds. So reimagining of old games like what konami is doing with silent hill or RE5 or new.

RE5 sold over 1mil in US alone and got good reviews. I would like to see it. They should drop the AI second player. The HD versions got it wrong so the wii would mess it up badly.

They might as well do it with the RE4 controls - not gonna cost em much. Just lower the res a bit and take out half the zombies.

Interesting that previously they said even the title screen couldn't be run on Wii,

Yes, but that dosnt mean its particularly hard to get running on the Wii, it merely means as it stands the assets can not.

Honestly, I think turning normal mapping off, batch-converting the textures down, and redoing models in lower polygons will be enough.
I dont see anything gameplay-wise beyond re4. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Meh RE5 was a bit crap anyway. Not missing much if you havn't played.

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RE5 is good but nothing amazing, apparently capcom are asking the fans what they want for future dlc so it may get better. Mercenaries is probably the best thing on the game though. I wouldn't really care if they ported it to wii tbh.

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meh, I don't really care much about Capcom anymore when it comes to RE for Wii. I would be more interested if they created a new RE: Dead Aim for Wii. It's gameplay just seems more suited for the Wii console. But, I think Capcom would want to port that too.SmilieSmilie

Forget RE5. I don't think any of us want a watered down port like Dead Rising. Update the RE4 Wii engine and give us a new game. There is no good reason not to; the Resident Evil series has sold extremely well on the Wii.

I just had a great idea.
Mikami has said that he hasn't played RE5 because he wouldn't be able to do it without pointing out everything he would've done differently.
RE5, while well executed for the most part, was pretty crappy when it came to the storyline.

So... instead of a port of the game (which I've always believed was possible, despite Capcom's words) why not redo it entirely? Look at everything that sucked about RE5, and change it. Build the game from the ground-up. What would be REALLY cool is if Mikami directed it. Have him play RE5, note what to change, and then do it.

It won't happen, but that sure would be cool.

NNID: crackedthesky
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well considering the majority of third party games are crap surely RE5 ported would be a blessing. Dead rising should never have been ported because of the concept. The wii cant handle the main concept of hundereds of zombies onscreen. SO its not a fair comparison

What is left to debate?

Release it on Wii already!!!

meeto_0 said:
well considering the majority of third party games are crap surely RE5 ported would be a blessing. Dead rising should never have been ported because of the concept. The wii cant handle the main concept of hundereds of zombies onscreen. SO its not a fair comparison

Actually, it can, and did. I think they got the number up to 250 or something?
The video showed was from the very beginning of the game, with smaller amounts of zombies. The number steadily increases. And when you get down to the maintenance tunnels, there are a LOT of zombies on-screen at once.

When it comes to RE5, some people have greatly exaggerated the graphical capabilities. The game really doesn't look all that much better than RE4, which was made for a system that was less than half as powerful. Most of the realy cool graphical effects happen in cinemas anyway. I imagine that what we'd get would be comparable to the PS2 version of RE4, at LEAST.
But again, I'm not even so sure it would be worth porting, at this point. The story is a crapper, and the gameplay is almost identical to that of RE4. If anything, they mae it worse; trying to fiddle through the inventory while being attacked is not easy. It doesn't make the game more scary; just more frustrating. Especially if you're Player 2, where Sheva's inventory likes to re-arrange itself for no apparent reason. And, it's completely stupid that you have to go throug all of the menus to get to the game, then have player 2 join, after which it... takes you back to the title screen so you can go trhough the menus again.
By the time this game was made available for Wii, the online co-op wouldn't be anything too special. The Conduit will likely be the first real, true online experience for Wii owners. And, from what I've heard, Capcom really dropped the ball on RE5's online modes anyway.
I'd much rather get a ground-up, story oriented, NON RAIL SHOOTER.

NNID: crackedthesky
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