Star Wars Battlefront Heading to DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2009 1

Star Wars Battlefront Heading to DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The US ratings board has uncovered an entry in the Star Wars Battlefront series for Nintendo's DS, Elite Squadron.

The DS title, rated Everyone 10+, is described as an action/adventure game where fans will be experiencing various different battles from the whole Star Wars universe/series.

From a third-person perspective, players engage in space battles, 'speeder bike' chases, and top-down battling. The ground battle includes constant laserfire combined with hand-to-hand combat using 'lightsabers.' A depleting health bar and various "yelps" indicate damage inflicted upon certain characters."

Whilst a rating pretty much confirms the title exists, there has yet to be official confirmation at time of writing.

Thanks to IGN.

Box art for Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron








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I'm not interested in such 3D games on the DS. Actually, because I don't have a DS, I'm hardly interested in any games...

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