New Wii Sports Resort Videos Show Golf & Table Tennis

By Adam Riley 18.05.2009 12

New Wii Sports Resort Videos Show Golf & Table Tennis on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A batch of new videos for the upcoming MotionPlus-reliant game Wii Sports Resort in Japan have been revealed. There are five video clips to see below, which actually reveal two other sports that will be included in the package: the return of golf from the original Wii Sports and the brand new addition of table tennis/ping pong, as well as showing the frisbee game that has already been shown off several times since last year once more.

Be sure to check out the videos below:

With Wii Sports Resort due in the next month or so are readers getting excited about it yet?

Box art for Wii Sports Resort








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I wonder if any other original Wii sports games will be included?

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Table Tennis? Lame. Bring back Tennis instead.

Golf however should be great, though hopefully they add more courses and tournaments etc.

They should hurry up and announce the full line up as they said a while back it should contain at least 10 games. That said, I hope half of them aren\'t \'Wii Play\' style crap.

( Edited 18.05.2009 16:20 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

They said 10 games??? That would be awesome. Here I was expecting 5 for almost a year. Although I have to say, lately I had been doubting if I would get this.

Yeah I hope they include the original Wii Sports. Maybe some new ones beside the ones we know.

Looks good, will definitely be picking this up. I love how the videos of models advertising it really don't look any different to the videos showcasing the Wiimote back in mid-2006. Smilie

That looks cool, love the slow motion 1 Smilie. Yeah I would like to see the original Wii Sport's game being featured in this 1. Tennis, Bowling and maybe Baseball can need to be redifined by the motion plus.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:

They should hurry up and announce the full line up as they said a while back it should contain at least 10 games.

E3 is just two weeks away!

Would be cool to see them reinterpret wii tennis and especially wii boxing. Wii boxing with motionplus would be great. A special bonus option of using two motion plus remotes would be the best experience.

Ok... whats up with the crotch shot for the Frisbee game and why does the actor have to be wearing a skin tight suit?SmilieSmilie

I was hoping for all new Wii sports games in this one, but I guess having games from the 1st one done right this time shouldn't be all that bad.

meeto_0 said:
Wii boxing with motionplus would be great. A special bonus option of using two motion plus remotes would be the best experience.

yes I love that idea, that's my favorite game from the 1st one. Now only if there was online then I wouldn't have to keep owning my friends and family membersSmilie

Not sure what video #3 has to do with Motion Plus, but it is a very cool video.

J Tangle said:
Ok... whats up with the crotch shot for the Frisbee game and why does the actor have to be wearing a skin tight suit?SmilieSmilie

To attract a wider market, perhaps Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Wider market and that's fine, but come on - bring back some of what made Wii Sports good and add that extra bit of MotionPlus - especially with the Tennis.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Its a bit of a kludge isnt it?

I mean, all new games would make sense.
Or, have a few new and all the old ones. (ie, a complete upgraded package).

This sits uneasily inbetween, as it makes purchase choice harder.
If they did a full upgrade they could have dumped WiiSports1 and made this the new Wii pack-in game. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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