Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Coming to the US and Europe

By Shane Jury 19.05.2009 26

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Coming to the US and Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

US Mag Nintendo Power has revealed that Capcom Crossover Tatsunoko vs Capcom will be getting a release overseas.

Previously stated by Capcom to be one of the more difficult properties to release outside of Japan due to Tatsunoko Licensing issues, they have nonetheless managed it. One of Capcom's surprise titles for E3 perhaps?

Click here to see a scan of the article.

At the moment only a US release has been confirmed, although if Capcom can sort trademark issues in the states, it shouldn't be too hard for Europe. Plus, it'll be even easier to import now.


More details from the scan have emerged, and it seems that the game will have a slight name addition; to Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars.
Of infinitely more interest however, is that the game will be available in US shops before the end of the year, and that New Characters and the possibility of Online play may be included.

The fans and marketing/sales teams outside of Japan showed a great interest in [Tatsunoko vs. Capcom] and contacted us to find out more about the game. Such an enthusiastic reaction convinced us that the game could succeed even overseas as a new [entry in the] Vs. series. We listened to feedback from our fans and marketing/sales teams in other territories in order to implement new features to the game this time around. I am very happy to announce that this title is coming to North America for those fans who have long waited for this to be made... and were disappointed last time by its unavailability overseas.
- Producer Ryota Niitsuma

Update 2

Even better news for fans is that Tatsunoko vs Capcom seems to now be a worldwide release. On Capcom's European Forum Boards, an admin had the following to say;

Yes, it's coming to Europe. That's all I can say for the moment.

Not an official confirmation, but good as.

Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








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Just got my hands on the Japanese edition of this and it's VERY cool! It's been AGES since I played a decent fighter and forgot just how much your thumb can ache after playing high-paced battles for ages...Fun times, though Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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