Cing Talk Hotel Dusk, Another Code

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.05.2009 2

Cing Talk Hotel Dusk, Another Code on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Members of Japanese studio Cing recently discussed future plans for top franchises Another Code and Hotel Dusk.

Both have done exceptionally well on the DS, and with Another Code/Trace Memory seeing a sequel on the Wii, fans have wondered if there would be more in store for both franchises. Eurogamer spoke to Rika Suzuki, character designer/art director Taisuke Kanasaki, director Shigeru Komine, producer Takuya Miyagawa on where they see Ashley and Kyle Hyde heading to next.

Eurogamer: Is this the final game in the Another Code series, or would you consider making more?

Takuya Miyagawa: Another Code: Two Memories and Hotel Dusk: Room 215 have been welcomed by a number of players, and their heroine and hero, Ashley and Kyle Hyde, especially became very popular. We are looking forward to seeing what they are going to do in the future, and realizing it someday.

Rika Suzuki: We are looking forward to hearing your feelings and opinions for the title. I believe it will contribute a lot for the next creation of Cing.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Hotel Dusk: Room 215








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Another Hotel Dusk would be astounding. In my opinion it is the best game on the DS.

Cing told C3 that Hotel Dusk could possibly be coming back not long after the DS game hit Europe, so I have a feeling Kyle Hyde will certainly make a Wii appearance sooner rather than later, especially since Little King's Story and Another Code have been completed and Again is nearing completion.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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