Nintendo's WiiWare Gets Bit.Trip Core

By Adam Riley 14.05.2009 4


Following success with the addictive retro experience of Bit.Trip Beat, Bit.Trip Core is already set for WiiWare this year. The original took a leaf out of Taito's book, having funky music beats pumping out with every 'bit' successfully bounced back across the screen and this new edition in what looks to be a 'Bit.Trip' series, from publisher Aksys Games, looks to be equally as fun.

Gaijin Games has confirmed the WiiWare download will be released onto Nintendo's service sometime this Summer and more details will be unveiled at this year's E3 event in the coming weeks.

For now, though, check out the first gameplay trailer below:

Box art for Bit.Trip Beat








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That actually looks like fun. I wish the music was a bit better though...

I dig the beats on this. Also the gameplay looks really challenging, but that might just be me. However it still looks fun.

If it's anything like Bit.Trip Beat then the difficulty will be off the charts Smilie That game's bloody fun, but a real nightmare on the eyes...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Man, I'm confused as F***, but it looks really cool!

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