Sakura Wars Heads to US for 1st Time on Wii

By Adam Riley 14.05.2009 1

Sakura Wars Heads to US for 1st Time on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After years of anticipation by hardcore gamers around the world, 'Sakura Taisen V: Saraba Itoshiki Hito Yo' will finally be released in North America this Autumn under the new Westernised name of Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love.

Sakura Wars is a Strategy RPG that features a unique sim-based story system. An in-depth storyline exists, much like in any other RPG; however, the player's destiny in the game is not predetermined. Character interaction plays a major role, and your responses to the various characters in the game can ultimately change the story content and even the final outcome.

The battle system is divided into two main parts; ground combat and air combat. Ground combat takes place using two-legged mechanized suits, which transform into jet fighters to take the fight to the sky. Every mech unit in the game can transform from battle mech mode to jet fighter mode during combat. Once transformed, weapons and movement methods will change as well. For example, the hero's ground mode utilizes a sword as his main weapon, but in jet mode he will use long-range missiles.

Key Features

  • 8 chapters in total, each with 4-5 hours of gameplay
  • A total of 7 characters to control
  • 6 different fully animated endings
  • Bonus features and story after beating the game

In addition, NIS America has revealed two trailers for other upcoming games:

Phantom Brave (Wii)

A Witch's Tale (DS)
Box art for Phantom Brave: We Meet Again

Nippon Ichi


NIS America





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Our member of the week

Who said Wii wasn't a good system for hardcore gamers ? Hell... any true RPG gamer must admit now that the system has a lot going for it.

Arc Rise Fantasia is looking more and more good, Muramasa has already proven that it was awesome, Fragile is a masterpiece, Final fantasy Crystal Bearers is looking great (even tough i wonder if it can still be considered a RPG), We're getting the exclusivity of Dragon Quest 10 and Monster Hunter 3, A new Tales of game is on its way, there's Takt of Magic in the Tactical RPG dept and even though it's a remake, Phantom Brave still is a nice game.

If you look at the competitors, sure 360 has some huge (temporary) exclusive titles, such as Star Ocean, Blue Dragon or Tales of Vesperia, but still, there aren't THAT many of 'em. Then there's the PS3 which i'm not even so sure what to think of in the RPG genre, except for the two FF13 games and the few ones that they'll get long after the 360 gamers did.

Wii is becoming a must-have system for any RPG fan in our western parts IMHO, considering that most of those RPGs are planned to be released here eventually.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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