Eidos Discusses Future Plans

By Adam Riley 12.05.2009 3

Eidos Discusses Future Plans on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the takeover by Square Enix, Eidos has gone over its future plans. Ian Livingstone, President of the company and former co-author of the Fighting Fantasy books, has confirmed that a new Hitman title is indeed being worked on at the moment and is to be developed by IO once more, but whatever people have heard in the way of details so far is merely speculation.

There is also potential for a new Tomb Raider movie, whilst the next game in the series will likely surprise a lot of people and reinvigorate the franchise. According to Livinstone, "...there are some remarkable things we're doing in the next Tomb Raider to make you say, 'Oh Lara, I love you so much!'".

Finally, Eidos is certainly working on new Intellectual Properties, but nothing will be ready before the end of 2009, although it can be said that the company cannot ignore the rise of online multiplayer popularity because it is fast becoming a huge market.

What would you like to see from Eidos on Nintendo formats in the future?

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I hope they don't change Lara's bio again as I was just getting used to the current one from the last 3 games. Smilie

I'd love a 3rd TR film but only if Angelina Jolie was to return.Smilie

Any future Tomb Raider games for Wii will hopefully be more than just watered down ports.

I thought the last one was supposed to reinvigorate the franchise. And the one before that...

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Darkflame said:
I thought the last one was supposed to reinvigorate the franchise. And the one before that...

Legend did Reinvigorate the franchise. Anniversary was a special remake using Legend's engine and Underworld was just to close off the trilogy.

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