Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Coming to Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2009 13

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Coming to Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A recent retailer listing has suggested that Activision will also be bringing CoD: Modern Warfare 2 to Nintendo's Wii.

Over on Amazon the game is listed alongside the expected bigger brothers - Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. The Wii has seen some of the Call of Duty series, so it's likely that Modern Warfare would make an appearance due to its popularity. For now though, we'll slap a "rumour" tag on this one.

Thanks to Aussie-Nintendo.

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Would be good if that happened since the Wii is a fiarly strong platform + They would get a boost in sales. No reason why not to really.
Still, I will be getting the PC version as it will be better, nothing will be missing and the online community for it is absoloubtly massive.

Wouldn't be suprised if they included motion plus Smilie

They'll probably use (an improved version of) the engine for CoD:WaW. Makes sense.

After WaW came out on Wii I really don't see why not. MW seems much more popular too so this could only be good news for Wii players.

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World at War did pretty good, but I suspect another port that's gimped of features Smilie

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Well, the likelyhood of this rumour being true is quite high I'd say. And if it does come to the Wii, I may very well get it.

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I just want it to not suck. I am very wary of games that are primarily produced on the 360/PS3 then ported over to the Wii.

Modern Warfare was one of the best games released on the 360, but I doubt it will hold that honor for the Wii.

Even if they have to water it down for Wii, it'll probably still be better than a lot of the other games for Wii, especially shooters. There really aren't a lot of big shooters on the Wii.
I think this sounds pretty likely. Especially if the Conduit does well. The Wii was built for FPS, and so few are taking advantage of that. Most companies seem to be going more for making their shooters look pretty than actually having a working control scheme (I haven't played World at War on the Wii, but I played the 360 version. It was fun, but the controls were just weird. They're really weird when it comes to any game pad, I've noticed.)

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irock97 (guest) 05.03.2010#9

i really hope that codmw 2 is coming for the wii, my mom won't let me buy the xbox360 or the ps3, and she says i have to make do

COD ADDICT (guest) 14.03.2010#10

infinity ward should make one for the wii because alot of people just dont want to get a ps3 because of the price of it so if they do though that would be great i expect one because the first modern warfare for wii is getting really boring with the gameplay and story line

Dune (guest) 27.06.2010#11

I'd be really happy if COD MW 2 was released on the Wii. The new Call of Duty(Call of Duty Black Ops) is coming to the Wii but Modern Warfare 2 would still be fun to play on the Wii.

Thomas (guest) 29.08.2010#12

I hope they make modern warfare 2 comes out for wii so much i have modern warfare reflex and i play it about every day!Smilie

DarkSTB (guest) 15.08.2011#13

I think it will go like this,

In 2009 we got MWR and the others got MW2.Smilie
So at late 2011 it wil probebly be the same
PS3, 360 and PC owners get MW3,
And we get MWR2. Smilie

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