Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2009 6

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Wii Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LucasArts have revealed new footage from the Wii version of Indy's latest adventure, Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.

The game revolves around Indy's search for the Staff of Moses around the year 1939. As you'd expect, the Wii version's full of motion-gestures including whip cranking and plane flying.

Box art for Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Artificial Mind and Movement







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Ooh err...looks like a bit too much reliance on motion there...

They saidd that psp had exclusive content (2:37-2:39) does that mean that the unlockable game is heading to the psp?

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

I think the motion controls look great.

This games looks good - almost like a Zelda game (temples, puzzles, treasure, different weapons), but with Indiana Jones instead.

Looks pretty ok graphicaly. PoPSmilieands Of Time level, allthough with slightly inferiour artstyle.
Certainly not using the Wii to the fall, but not sloopy either.

My worry is this will be rushed, and the gesture controlls will suck. (not helped by the fact theres a ps2 port).
I notice some of the enviroments ARE from the previous Indy game in development though, only scaled down.

"No other game does that" many games even have a whip? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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way over reliant on motion controls. Punching with the nunchuck feels so unresponsive. Thats why wii boxing sucks.

most Motion based games wont be intuitive or responsive enough until they use motion plus.

What is wrong with the IR pointer. Best thing the control has going for it. Point on the baddies where you want indie to punch. Use A & B to pinch the remote to grab in game. Developers are so unintelligent when it comes to the wii

its okay!!!! i believe is better than the i will do. you have talent. keep doing a great work.

anyways i\'m new to this site. i know huh? what a shame lol

( Edited 07.05.2009 03:28 by luisan7 )

I love being positive!!!!! U guys listen!!! Don't let anyone or anything get you down!!! Just stay calm and always be yourself!!!

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