Famitsu Most Wanted Sequels Revealed

By Adam Riley 06.05.2009 20

Famitsu Most Wanted Sequels Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese gaming bible Famitsu magazine has conducted a reader poll to find the most wanted sequels and the outcome is very interesting indeed. Nintendo fans will note that the quirky RPG series 'Mother' (known as EarthBound in the West) still rides high amongst Japanese fans after the success of Mother 3 on the GBA a few years back, whilst the only other Nintendo title to feature is the never-before-Westernised Famicom Detective Club series, of which there have been two game and a SNES remake.

Interestingly enough, Okami is right up there at No.3, which could well give Capcom Japan a nudge since the Wii port of the classic Clover Studios adventure has not been released in the Far East. The DS version of Chrono Trigger has clearly got people's juices flowing again as well, with it landing at No.14 and Square Enix's fledgling hit 'The World Ends with You' at No.21. Another oft-mentioned game amongst readers here on Cubed3 is Baten Kaitos, which received 69 votes in the poll, placing it at No.25.

Be sure to check out the list below:

1.) Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars) (SEGA) - 267 votes
2.) Shenmue (SEGA) - 249
3.) Okami (Capcom) - 204
4.) Gotchaforce (Capcom) - 189
5.) Xenogears (Square Enix) - 185
6.) Breath of Fire (Capcom) - 180
7.) Rockman Dash (Mega Man Legends) (Capcom) - 176
8.) Ogre Battle (Square Enix) - 174
9.) Chikyuu Boueigun (Earth Defence Force) (D3Publisher) - 162
10.) Kowloon's Gate (Sony Music) - 151
11.) Shinobido (Spike) - 141
12.) Demon's Soul (Sony Japan) - 123
13.) Rockman X (Mega Man X) (Capcom) - 110
14.) Chrono (Square Enix) - 107
15.) Zone of Enders (Konami) - 94
16.) Mother (Nintendo/APE) - 92
17.) Romancing SaGa (Square Enix) - 90
18.) Senjou no Valkyria (Valkyria Chronicles) (SEGA) - 87
19.) Justice Gakuen (Capcom) - 82
20.) Medarot (Imagineer) - 81
21.) Subarashiki Kono Sekai (The World Ends With You) (Square Enix) - 79
22.) Shadow Hearts (Aruze) - 77
23.) Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke (Sony Japan) - 75
24.) Panzer Dragoon (SEGA) - 72
25.) Baten Kaitos (Bandai Namco) - 69
26.) Infinite Undiscovery (Square Enix) - 65
27.) Lost Odyssey (Microsoft) - 65
28.) Wild Arms (Sony Japan) - 64
29.) OZ (Konami) - 60
30.) Jet Set Radio (SEGA) - 59
31.) Dewprism (Threads of Fate) (Square Enix) - 58
32.) Ougon no Taiyou (Golden Sun) (Nintendo) - 57
33.) Another Century's Episode (Bandai Namco) - 56
34.) Estopolis Denki (Lufia) (Taito) - 56
35.) Fire Pro Wrestling (Spike) - 56
36.) Biohazard Outbreak (Capcom) - 55
37.) Eternal Arcadia (Skies of Arcadia) (SEGA) - 54
38.) Shirokishi Monogatari (White Knight Chronicles) (Level-5) - 51
39.) Panzer Front (Enterbrain) - 50
40.) Seiken Densetsu (Square Enix) - 48
41.) Front Mission (Square Enix) - 46
42.) Grandia (GameArts/Square Enix) - 43
43.) Arc The Lad (Sony Japan) - 42
44.) Bullet Witch (AQInteractive) - 41
45.) Bahamut Lagoon (Square Enix) - 39
46.) Drag-On Dragoon (Square Enix) - 37
47.) Panekit (Sony Japan) - 36
48.) Metal Wolf Chaos (From Software) - 33
49.) Tokimeki Memorial (Konami) - 33
50.) Famicom Tantei Kurabu (Famicom Detective Club) (Nintendo) - 30

What games would you like to see sequels to in the near future?

Box art for Mother 3 (Earthbound 2)





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Hmmm, I'm surprised to see Xenogears placing so high - in particular, higher than the Chrono saga. I didn't know Xenogears was so popular in Japan.

Shenmue in 2nd
Okami in 3rd.

Interestingly enough they're also the games least likely to get sequels! Smilie

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I would like Skies of Arcadia and Golden Sun sequels. I don't care if Golden Sun is on the DS or Wii, I just want a sequel.

"Wii port of the classic Clover Studios adventure has not been released in the Far East. "

And yet they give so many crappy ports of Re games.

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Senmue's story was never finished

originaljohn said:
Senmue's story was never finished

Just like Viewtiful Joe... and Okami... and... Pushing Daisies Smilie

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Lot of RPG fans read famitsu then I take it.

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shenmue, panzer dragoon, jet set radio, skies of arcadia- i wish but not gonna happen unfortunately.

Justice for Shenmue.

SuperLink said:
originaljohn said:
Senmue's story was never finished

Just like Viewtiful Joe... and Okami... and... Pushing Daisies Smilie

Pushing Daisys has 4 more eppisodes plus a comic.
Okami was pretty finnished, imho.
Sure, it could have gone on elsewhere, but there wasnt anything really left hanging.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
Pushing Daisys has 4 more eppisodes plus a comic.

Source? There are 3 episodes that the US missed out on but everywhere else has already seen them. The comic is a "possibility", just like the novel of Shenmue.

but there wasnt anything really left hanging.

Except the cliff.

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Mario_0 said:
Lot of RPG fans read famitsu then I take it.

Correction: Lots of JAPANESE PEOPLE read Famitsu.

Mario_0 said:
Lot of RPG fans read famitsu then I take it.

I know, right? I've never seen such a huge clusterfuck to get to fifty different games that are all pretty much the same.
Seriously, if 45 of the games 50 hours are spent walking around in a circle in some forest leveling up, then it is, in fact, NOT a good game.

Now I'm going to sound like a total hypocrite, but I'm surprised to see Golden Sun so far down on the list. Then again, I never finished the second game, maybe it ended so poorly that people didn't want another?

Any case... my most wanted sequel is probably a follow-up to Eternal Darkness. There's so much they can do with that series. That, and Illusion of Gaia... I loved that game, I'd love to see more in the same vein. Without downloading ROMs of the impossible-to-find games that didn't really have anything to do with it, outside of a golden retriever.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Sure the Japs are RPG fans but my personal list probably wouldn\'t be far off this. Why is Golden Sun so low? Because it just wasn\'t popular in Japan, and that\'s the only reason. It would likely be a lot higher up in a western list. Both Golden Sun games were great and the ending the the second game was great too.

justonesp00lturn said:I know, right? I\'ve never seen such a huge clusterfuck to get to fifty different games that are all pretty much the same.
Seriously, if 45 of the games 50 hours are spent walking around in a circle in some forest leveling up, then it is, in fact, NOT a good game.

I understand you probably don\'t like RPGs but this still made me annoyed. You basically said \"RPGs aren\'t good games\".

The western list would probably consist of 45 of the games in which for the whole thing you\'re shooting around in a circle in some brown wasteland killing nazis (Which I say, does NOT make a good game).

Slight exaggeration, but why should the opinions of Japanese gamers be taken less seriously than your own? Especially when gaming is far bigger over there than it is in the west.

( Edited 07.05.2009 01:23 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
Sure the Japs are RPG fans but my personal list probably wouldn't be far off this. Why is Golden Sun so low? Because it just wasn't popular in Japan, and that's the only reason. It would likely be a lot higher up in a western list. Both Golden Sun games were great and the ending the the second game was great too.

justonesp00lturn said:I know, right? I've never seen such a huge clusterfuck to get to fifty different games that are all pretty much the same.
Seriously, if 45 of the games 50 hours are spent walking around in a circle in some forest leveling up, then it is, in fact, NOT a good game.

I understand you probably don't like RPGs but this still made me annoyed. You basically said "RPGs aren't good games".

The western list would probably consist of 45 of the games in which for the whole thing you're shooting around in a circle in some brown wasteland killing nazis (Which I say, does NOT make a good game).

Slight exaggeration, but why should the opinions of Japanese gamers be taken less seriously than your own? Especially when gaming is far bigger over there than it is in the west.

I didn't say RPGs are bad games. I said RPGs where all you do is walk around leveling up are bad. And there's quite a few of them. There are also some fan-friggin-tastic ones, too. I meant no offense to the genre. And I agree, shooters wher eyou run around killing people in slightly varying situations suck, too. Just about any genre can be dulled down. It's just easier with RPGs, because there's so freaking many of them.
It's also better when it branches off into subgenres. There are some great games that stray miles from the formulaic borefest I mentioned above. I love the Fire Emblem series. I love the Pokemon games (if you count those as RPGs; I do) and I loved Golden Sun (the second one wasn't bad; I just didn't make time for it, and put it down and didn't [ick it back up.) The Kingdom hearts games are loads of fun. The Tales games are good, from what I've played. I haven't gotten into Fable, but that one looks sweet.
I meant no diss on Japanese gamers, either. I'm sure the American list would look something like:
1. Halo 4
2. Gears of War 3
3. Halo 4
4. GTA 23482398479872987
5. Halo 4
6. Halo 4
And so on and so forth.
To me, a game needs to be fun, first and foremost. But another big factor is the story. It tends to be easy to fall into cliches in the RPG genre, because of the setting (which is probably the ones set in modern or futuristic times tend to be so cool.) I get so sick of "go get the dragon. Now go get the princess. Now fight these Dark Elves" etc. etc. while in the meantime spending a lot of time leveling up.
Basically, the number of hours in a game is only a good thing if the game isn't repetative. I'd rather spend 9 hours on a game like RE4 where I have fun the whole way through than play a low-effort RPG for 60 hours where most of it was spent leveling up, you know?

Again, it just goes back to the number of them... it makes it harder to sift through the boring ones and find the good ones. If it's any consolation, I've found hoardes more good RPGs than I have shooters Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
If it's any consolation, I've found hoardes more good RPGs than I have shooters Smilie

It is Smilie RPGs are my favourite genre so you hit a nerve is all. And personally the longer the game the better, because short games I can finish in a day of non-stop playing (even if it is a great experience, like playing World of Goo or Braid or Portal)

Out of the RPGs in that list that I've actually played, I would want sequels of. Especially Golden Sun.

I've never even heard of Sakura Wars Smilie Oh, and Fable's not really an RPG, it feels closer to Zelda than to a realtime RPG.

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SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
If it's any consolation, I've found hoardes more good RPGs than I have shooters Smilie

It is Smilie RPGs are my favourite genre so you hit a nerve is all. And personally the longer the game the better, because short games I can finish in a day of non-stop playing (even if it is a great experience, like playing World of Goo or Braid or Portal)

Out of the RPGs in that list that I've actually played, I would want sequels of. Especially Golden Sun.

I've never even heard of Sakura Wars Smilie Oh, and Fable's not really an RPG, it feels closer to Zelda than to a realtime RPG.

My favorite genre is survival horror, which I feel there aren't enough good ones of, either.
I like long games, just not repetative ones. Kingdom hearts took me I think around 60 hours? the first time through, and very little of it was just leveling up. That's a good game experience, to me.
I thought Fable was an action-RPG. Haven't gotten to actually play it, so I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it looks fun Smilie
As far as shooters go, I like Halo 3 (online,) Medal of Honor Frontline was fun, The little time I got with CoD:WaW was fun, and the Metroid games are all fun. I thought Red Steel was interesting, but needed a bit of work, and The Conduit looks fantastic.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
I like long games, just not repetative ones. Kingdom hearts took me I think around 60 hours? the first time through, and very little of it was just leveling up. That's a good game experience, to me.

Persona Fouuuuuuuuur! (100 hours+!) KH is very fun though. Luv it to bits.

As far as shooters go, I like Halo 3 (online,) Medal of Honor Frontline was fun, The little time I got with CoD:WaW was fun, and the Metroid games are all fun. I thought Red Steel was interesting, but needed a bit of work, and The Conduit looks fantastic.

I used to deny it, but I like Halo, it's probably one of the only FPS I can have fun on as long as there's no snipers and people don't Q_Q about riding vehicles. Mainly because I suck at FPS.

Unfortunately Metroid Prime kinda killed my love for Metroid.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I like long games, just not repetative ones. Kingdom hearts took me I think around 60 hours? the first time through, and very little of it was just leveling up. That's a good game experience, to me.

Persona Fouuuuuuuuur! (100 hours+!) KH is very fun though. Luv it to bits.

As far as shooters go, I like Halo 3 (online,) Medal of Honor Frontline was fun, The little time I got with CoD:WaW was fun, and the Metroid games are all fun. I thought Red Steel was interesting, but needed a bit of work, and The Conduit looks fantastic.

I used to deny it, but I like Halo, it's probably one of the only FPS I can have fun on as long as there's no snipers and people don't Q_Q about riding vehicles. Mainly because I suck at FPS.

Unfortunately Metroid Prime kinda killed my love for Metroid.

I've heard so many great reviews of P4. I had no ida what it was, though, I assumed it was a PS3 game. Just looked it up, I may have to get it, now. It's been a while since I had a good game sucking up my time (currently playing My World, My Way. Cute game, pretty interesting and original enough; however, I've run into several times when I got to do the walking around and leveling up that hate so much. At least I can pout and make it go by faster xD)
It's really easy to bitch about people in vehicles in Halo 3. I even do it, sometimes. But when it comes down to it, it's a part of the game. If somebody criticizes you for spending the whole game in a Ghost, just tell them they suck for not getting you out of it xD
You didn't like Metroid Prime? I thought it was a lot of fun. I would also be interested in a third-person Metroid game for the Wii, one that isn't a side-scroller.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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