Donkey Kong Beats on Wii in EU this June

By Adam Riley 05.05.2009 2

Donkey Kong Beats on Wii in EU this June on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Everyone's favourite oversized monkey is back and ready to get rhythmic as Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, one of the most creative games of recent years, is added to the Wii's NEW PLAY CONTROL! family across Europe on 5th June!

Control Donkey Kong, one of Nintendo's most famous characters, as he navigates the jungle kingdoms defeating the monsters that have invaded each realm. This is a platform game with a major, inventive, difference - instead of simply trying to reach the end of each level, you use the motion-sensing capabilities of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to perform combos and maximise your banana point score. Swinging your controller in different ways will unleash attacks and direct soundwaves at your enemies!

In this new version of the game, revamped to make the most of the Wii, two brand new stages have been added, making this game a brilliant addition to your collection, whether you are a fan of the original or a gamer who has yet to experience the excitement of this unique game. Each level features numerous platform challenges, colourful bosses to defeat and secret bananas to discover - and only the most skilful players will find them all.

With new enemies such as the stomping Thumpskull and the electric shock-producing Buzzball also making an appearance, as well as new bonuses to collect and new weapons to use, make NEW PLAY CONTROL! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat a challenging and fun new experience.

Get ready to swing and backflip to the rhythms of the jungle on 5 June, when NEW PLAY CONTROL! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat hits Europe on Wii.

Box art for Donkey Kong Jungle Beat





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (11 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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The original is a masterpiece. But I am not so sure about the changes they made to this release.

Well this was a little bit of a slap in the face for me. I've been looking forward to playing this game for while (tried the bongo's, NTY) and hoped to pick it up this month. Luckily though, it's coming out early June, so the wait isn't too long, and i still need to pick up Little Kings Story, and i'm sure Punch Out!! is released this month, which is a definite first day purchase.

late spring/early Summer through winter are proving to be good Wii seasons for me.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

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