US ND Updates Include Animal Crossing Apps

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.05.2009 4

US ND Updates Include Animal Crossing Apps on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This week's VC/Ware US updates include DSiWare Animal Crossing-themed apps, Penguin action and C64 classic Tower Toppler.

  • Animal Crossing Calculator (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 Nintendo DSi Points) - an interactive calculator for DSi with Animal Crossing-themes and characters.
  • Animal Crossing Clock (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 Nintendo DSi Points) - as it says on the tin - a clock with Animal Crossing themes.
  • Penguins & Friends - Hey! That's My Fish! (WiiWare, 1-4 players, 800 Wii Points) - Action game involving catching fish and running about as penguins.
  • Tower Toppler (Commodore 64, 1 player, 500 Wii Points) - classic C64 game where you ascend 8 towers and try to blow em up to save Planet Nebulus from a mysterious threat.
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    Hmm...the applications sound a bit dodgy. Why, unless they do something I don't know about, would you pay 200 points for a clock or a calculator when you could buy Paper Plane or Pyoro?

    Fairly shite week for downloadables.

    ^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

    DSiWare is proving itself crap so far.
    Either it's got complete uselessness, a remake of a mini game released in an old game or a watered down version of an already released game that's held back in some way.
    The only good, original game was Wario Ware: Snapped!
    And that's when the camera works.
    And that was held back by the lack of being able to save the photos if someone wishes to do so.

    OK, what's the point? Smilie

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

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