Capcom Site Lists Monster Hunter 3

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2009 4

Capcom Site Lists Monster Hunter 3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the release column of Capcom's US press website, it has a small listing for Monster Hunter 3 under TBA.

It follows Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, which was confirmed last week during the company's Captivate 09 event. With that in mind, it looks like Monster Hunter 3 could be officially confirmed at a future event (most likely at this year's E3 2009 next month) - or could be an unfortunate listing error.

  • Capcom's Press Releases page
  • Thanks to Siliconera

    Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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    Well there was a news thing here that said Capcom had two games to announce. so i really hope this is one of em

    When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

    Wolvesgod said:
    Well there was a news thing here that said Capcom had two games to announce. so i really hope this is one of em

    Definitely hoping so - MH3 looks absolutely brilliant, and by the sounds of things is a great game!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I'm really hoping they don't ruin this games online(since that's where all the longevity for fun is) with the "Pay to Play" online feature from the Monster Hunter G Wii port.Smilie

    Now I know why the dinosaurs died out - this bastard went and killed them all.

    As good as this looks visually (and it's nice to see a 100% real time trailer) I can't really see the point in the game, it is just killing monsters all day?

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