Pikmin 3 to be Revealed in Next Month's Edge?

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.05.2009 16

Pikmin 3 to be Revealed in Next Month

A teaser page in the latest Edge Magazine for the next issue maybe a hint for the much anticipated reveal of Nintendo's Pikmin 3.
The two Pikmin games, originally released on the GameCube, have recently been ported over to the Wii as part of the New Play Control/Play on Wii range, and have picked up even more fans hoping for a new entry. Speaking at E3 2008, Nintendo's famed designed Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed a new Pikmin game is on the way, but since then not much has been discussed.
With this year's E3 already approaching it looks to be a good time to finally make the project official.

Image for Pikmin 3 to be Revealed in Next Month

Do you think this confirms Pikmin 3? What would you like to see from the third game in the series?

Thanks to QJ.net.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Smilie I hope it dont end up being a football game lol

I'd be surprised if Pikmin 3 isn't shown at E3 though, which begins on June 2nd.

So Edge's big exclusive will likely be common knowledge by June 4th.

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Hope they don't dumb it down or make it too easy just to appease new comers. Also hope it retains the main mechanics presents in one and two.

Yay Pikmin 3.

Obvious thing is online coop or multiplayer really - the Wii's power could easily have 500+ Pikmin on screen at a time too.

Pikmin is still the best console rts game ever.
Its whole system just works.
Which is not what could be said when they just take PC RTS gameplay and try to port it to analogue sticks *shudder*

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SuperLink said:

So Edge's big exclusive will likely be common knowledge by June 4th.

Smilie That's true...

Hope it is Pikmin 3. It's about time. ^_^

SuperLink said:
E3.... which begins on June 2nd.

Thanks, I was wondering when it was.....

As for P3, well, I have a sweet idea for a commercial, but that's about it.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Definitely Pikmin! CAN'T WAIT! Smilie

--- I am in room 218 ---

meeto_0 said:
Hope they don't dumb it down or make it too easy just to appease new comers.

They haven't really done that with any of their other main games, so I don't see why they would do it with Pikmin 3.

It is just grass

Hmmm Perhaps, I mean that purple dot does look sus very Pikmin like... Althought I must confess, I never really played Pikmin. I know how it works, what it's about what's your goal, but yeah never played it myself.

I want to see how it looks, the sound, etc and I might buy it!

Pikmin2 was one of the best looking games on the cube.
In fact, its probably still one of the best looking games ever created.
(well, when overheadish anyway, not so good upclose)

( Edited 04.05.2009 09:00 by Darkflame )

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is this the big news nintendo were talking about a few weeks ago???

seems weird that Edge would get a pikmin exclusive and nintendo power don't

Wii User (No joke!) (guest) 30.10.2009#15

Man I knew a Pikmin 3 would be released. The series had too many fans to just end it now. I saw a youtube video were a guy killed a few pikmin and he had people left and right jumping down his back! P.S. This message was written via wia (Wii in case you didn't guess.)Smilie

matthew (guest) 05.05.2011#16

I would like pikmin 3 to come out because i can't complete the other games so if I get it i could possibly complete the game. ps I LOVE PIKMIN

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