Eidos Set to Maintain Independence

By Adam Riley 03.05.2009

Eidos Set to Maintain Independence on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite Square Enix taking full control of Eidos, the UK outfit will remain independent for now according to a recent report, similar to how Taito has remained a separately functioning developer since its purchase. This means that Phil Rogers will currently continue to hold the position of Chief Executive Officer, whilst numerous other key members of the team, as well as internal groups will not be adversely effected by the change in ownership. There are also no plans to scrap any of Eidos' franchises, nor is there a plan to create new ones just yet.

"I felt that Eidos was a very good fit in terms of sharing the same culture and sharing the same foundation for the business. When I say 'sharing the culture' that includes the personality of the top management of the company, and the atmosphere in the studios. Because even if you were to have just had a capital tie-up, after the acquisition that will simply become a pure business contract-type of relationship. But with Eidos I felt that the fit was very good."
- Square Enix President and CEO Yoichi Wada.

"We're never complacent, but we're pleased with our progress. We were clear early on that it was a multi-year programme that we were on, and we talk internally about the first year of three, to give you some sense of rhythm or cadence. We're pleased that we've set out with a clear direction - Eidos has had different directions in the past, but when you bore back to the common direction it's about the absolute gameplay, games with character. We saw that as the key DNA of our business, and tried to really build around it. Actually, the positives we've achieved have been built around that DNA. We've also had challenges as well, like any business, in navigating the changing industry.

"But I'd say that we're happy with that. In terms of how we see the fit, the test for any announcement or transaction like this is how people feel internally. I think people here think that it feels very right, that it strategically fits well, and there's a great deal of excitement now around the business. As a leader of a business, I think that's a great litmus test."
- Phil Rogers, CEO of Eidos.

Thanks to Square Enix's support, Taito has managed to re-establish itself as the creator of successful new games in the Space Invaders, Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Islands franchises, both on handheld formats and via download services. Perhaps this will also be a new route Eidos will take to ensure future success.

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