First Red Steel 2 Details, No Multiplayer

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.05.2009 24

First Red Steel 2 Details, No Multiplayer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier this week cover art for Nintendo's US/UK official magazines revealed the style for Red Steel 2, and since then new details have surfaced.

Production began last summer, and it looks as if Ubisoft are taking the franchise to a newer, more sword-driven direction with "intensely physical first person sword fighting" and gunplay being a secondary focus.

You'll be able to lock-on to enemies with Z, holding down C to swing and block, performing various attacks and combos with both your guns and sword. To get around enemies from behind this time round there's a neat "quick turn" focus with the tap of the A button to try and avoid being slashed up the back. These enemies will generally wear bullet proof armour to encourage more close combat, targeting and for those who make it through there'll also be boss/harder foes to overcome.

With the shift in control also comes a more RPG-esque vibe with multiple paths, side eques and basic character levelling/upgrades - and whilst it doesn't have a huge open world, it's said to be not so linear either. You'll be revisiting areas after grabbing a new power/ability or two.

Finally, and for most, most importantly, there won't be multiplayer. The team really want to push the core mechanic, so that's the aim this time round, however there's still a chance it may be added at a later date (through DLC perhaps): "That would be cool. The world has changed, and we can do that sort of thing. I certainly think that would be cool. I'd buy it. But we need to be careful bringing out something that people think should be in the main game."

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What do you think of these changes to Red Steel?

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



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( Edited 24.06.2013 05:07 by Guest )

Fail indeed.

( Edited 24.06.2013 05:07 by Guest )

I made a thread about all this where'd it go?

( Edited 24.06.2013 05:07 by Guest )

I don't see the fail. If no multiplayer means a brilliant single player game then I think it's worth it. Not all FPS games need multiplayer.

Judging from the screens in ONM, the graphics and art direction are looking fantastic. Can't wait to see how it looks in motion. Hopefully just as good as the pics.

Ubisoft needs to show us they can make a proper Wii game.

( Edited 24.06.2013 05:07 by Guest )

For me FPS are all about multiplayer. I'll enjoy a good campaign as much as anyone, but I have the best fun against human opponents. Even the best AI can't match dueling with other, real people. Without multiplayer, I'm just not going to be as interested.

It seems especially weird though, when you remember that the first had multiplayer. Its not too often that sequels remove features that the previous game had.

( Edited 14.12.2012 09:55 by Guest )

Meh, not too bothered about the lack of multiplayer, I'm still rather looking forward to this. Smilie Tis a bit of a shame I guess though, I did have some fun with the multiplayer in the first Red Steel...

( Edited 14.12.2012 09:55 by Guest )

I remember playing Mulit-player on the original Red Steel; some good fun had there.

( Edited 14.12.2012 09:55 by Guest )

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

If they get the single player right, I'll be more than happy. Since the Wii came out, people have been craving a good FPS game and game with a sword or lightsaber. If they it delivers, it will set standards for Wii games and any future Wii-like consoles.

Come on Ubisoft! Do the concept justice!

( Edited 14.12.2012 09:55 by Guest )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

You know what?

After reading this, I'm pumped for Red Steel 2. The first was pretty good besides the horrid controls, so if they nail those down and with all these new features, this game can be a beast.

( Edited 14.12.2012 09:55 by Guest )

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Sounds interesting, but I am sad that there is no multiplayer. I really enjoyed the split screen on the first game where you can bash the other player on the head and stun them. Oh well, will still get this game if it is good.

Don\'t care about multiplayer. Never really cared about multiplayer in FP games. It sounds pretty interesting. Metroid Prime with sword fighting? That has to be fun. Hope they don\'t screw up with game design, because graphics and art direction, judging by available arts and screenshots, are of an AAA game. Still can\'t believe it is coming from under Ubi\'s hood.Smilie

( Edited 03.05.2009 18:33 by maeda )

Don't care about multiplayer. Never really cared about multiplayer in FP games. It sounds pretty interesting.

Said it all for me. I'm not a multiplayer gamer at all, so for me this doesn't make any difference at all.

Oh and,, just wondering. Did you guys also yell "FAIL" at the lack of multiplayer in MP3?

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Sword play was the weekest part of Red Steel. Why they focusing on it?

Trepe said:
Sword play was the weekest part of Red Steel. Why they focusing on it?

Ah....Motion Plus? Smilie

Faust D. Stroyer said:
Oh and,, just wondering. Did you guys also yell "FAIL" at the lack of multiplayer in MP3?

That was definitely a good thing.

The problem with this is that everyone's hopes were riding on WiFi multiplayer with WiiSpeak. For some this means they couldn't care less about the game anymore.

Personally I'd never buy Halo for the single player campaign. Ever. Although the multiplayer in the first RS was a pretty poor Timesplitters wannabe.

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Way too early to call fail on this.
For all we know the new MP based control scheme might make multiplayer tricky to pull off.

We should wait and see how good the game is before judgeing what it does/does not include. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Definitely way too early to call fail - if it's a seriously long and decent single player game it'll definitely be worth skimping on the multiplayer.

The 1st game was rushed, but still decent, so have some hope for this. In any case, see how it turns out before dismissing/boning it, the idea does have potential.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hardly play multiplayer but once again darkflame your outlook on things is parculier at best. If its hard to implement, the solution isn't run away from it. Many developers are doing this with wii too often.

Im looking forward to this game. Had a bad dream it turn out to be an on rails slasher. that would result in my wii being flung out of my second floor flat and forgetting nintendo exist.

I can't see sword fights working well online, especially with what I have experienced with lag on online games (ntot just Wii). Sword fighting would take extreme twitch reflexes and speed, so this could best be kept as a one off mode maybe in 1v1. Which would mean shooting would be the main component of the main online multiplayer, meaning the game would be a very different beast from the single player game.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Oh and,, just wondering. Did you guys also yell "FAIL" at the lack of multiplayer in MP3?

Are Red Steel and Metroid Prime 3 at all comparable?

meeto_0 said:
I hardly play multiplayer but once again darkflame your outlook on things is parculier at best. If its hard to implement, the solution isn't run away from it.

It is if the main game would suffer from trying to include it.

Specificaly the problem I'm thinking about is blades hitting eachother. With 1:1 controlls, thats impossible as your not getting physical feedback.
With 1 player, this dosnt mater...the enemys can react.
In two player however....what happens? The sword pass though eachother? ?

I can think of solutions, but it involves the gameplay being wrapped it quite a bit. Actualy, I think you could do a superb multiplayer sword fighting game on the Wii...but it would take a lot of effort.
Its not something that would just be added even with a decent increase in budget.

For now, Id much rather they spent effort making a decent single player game.
MotionPlus introduces so many new things for developers to think about, I dought they will get everything right straight away anyway. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I actually agree with you on that darkflame. Except I think Motionplus needs to be implemented strongly from the word go. Despite who said what and who promises what. Many thought the wii would allow 1-2-1 motion. It didnt and a lot of the games that relied on motion rather then the IR failed badly.

NOw Xbox and most likely PS3 are looking to use motion peripherals. And like the dualstick from sony they will be looking to better nintendo like they did with the N64 pad. Could end up with a console that is underpowered not original and served as a practise run for developers.

( Edited 03.05.2009 14:38 by meeto_0 )

Jacob4000 said:
Oh and,, just wondering. Did you guys also yell \"FAIL\" at the lack of multiplayer in MP3?

Are Red Steel and Metroid Prime 3 at all comparable?

Yeah but it sounds like there starting from scratch with Red Steel 2 after the first being so wank. RPG elements, backtracking upgrading items, sounds kind of like Metroid to me.

It even has a lock on mechanic too :/

( Edited 03.05.2009 14:43 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I think Metroids just an example where multiplayer was a waste of the development time.
It dosnt have to be specificaly simaliar gameplay to show that sometimes thats true.

Metroid Hunters, on the other hand, had pretty darn decent multiplayer. So its not that the game type couldnt handel it, it was more controlls and development resources.

I actually agree with you on that darkflame. Except I think Motionplus needs to be implemented strongly from the word go.

Yes, but my thinking is theres more chance of doing a strong one-player here then a strong multiplayer.

Incidently, my thinking of how you could get around the non-resistance factor of the 1:1 sword controlls was to punish the player if they try to force their sword into impossible positions. (So, if they "lock swords" with an enemy, they cant just push though like nothings there, they have to slowly push forward with it, to make the enemy slip, then they can slash them.
If they push too quick, they slip themselfs and are vulnerable. Too slow and the same thing happens.

In some ways it would be a little like balancing in TonyHawks game, only the balance axis being aligned to the direction of the sword.

Of course, when swinging a sword and not being blocked, there isnt any issue anyway.
I think this mechcanic could be used sparingly in the next Zelda. Better then the current button-bushing when the swords are locked anyway!) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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