Capcom Not Affected by MadWorld Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2009 17

Capcom Not Affected by MadWorld Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

MadWorld's fairly low sales performance won't affect Capcom's stance on Resident Evil for Wii, according to Masachika Kawata.

Sega/Platinum Games' original Wii IP, the blood-filled action fest MadWorld, has only sold 66,000 copies so far, despite a slew of positive reviews and quirky advertising campaigns.

With that in mind it could put off some third parties from bringing out more adult/teen games on the platform, but it looks as if it hasn't affected Capcom, who have high hopes for the Wii exclusive - Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.

I personally have no fear (about sales of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles), Resident Evil is a massive brand on a worldwide scale and you can't really compare it to MadWorld. Personally I do like MadWorld, I think it is a very unique game. I think we should be happy to be able to play a game like this. It's kind of disappointing that it didn't sell.

Most if not all gamers know the Resident Evil name. It's that powerful a game. These games have been around for ten years, there are also the movies as well which also expands that to reach casual gamers.

Kawata feels there's a lot of potential for light gun games to thrive and do well on the Wii, especially with EA's popular IP Dead Space bound for the console later this year.

Thanks to Kotaku.

Box art for MadWorld








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Surely they can't be worldwide sales? Aren't the 66,000 just the US sales? It's really low anyway but still.

And judging from RE:UC, Darkside Chronicles is set to sell about a million copies, I might be one of th buyers myself.

Yeah the darkside chronicles does look like it's going to be a much bigger improvement then the umbrella chronicles. Prolly will end up selling alot because their are alot of people who like the style of this, an on rail shooter game, looking pretty forward to it as I quite liked umbrella chronicles myself Smilie

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Stulaw said:
Surely they can't be worldwide sales? Aren't the 66,000 just the US sales? It's really low anyway but still.

And judging from RE:UC, Darkside Chronicles is set to sell about a million copies, I might be one of th buyers myself.

It's U.S. sales.

Note however that Wii has a tradition of games selling better over the long term. Boom Blox did what many percieved to be poorly in its first month and there were similar cries of third parties not selling on Wii.

The game went on to sell what is now presumably around a million and has a sequel coming out.

Based on the sales for Resident Evil 4 Wii and Resident Evil: UC, why would Capcom be worried. Resident Evil is a proven hit for the Wii. There is a major difference in releasing a game from a proven series (i.e. Resident Evil) and introducing a new IP.

MadWorld will probably do pretty well in the long run, kind of like Boom Blox did, as Modplan Man stated.

Kawata feels there's a lot of potential for light gun games to thrive and do well on the Wii,

...and that's when I am not buying.

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I bought RE:UC despite iits flaws, because i'm a RE Fanboy and i'm definitely buying Darkside Chronicles because i'm even more of a RE2 Fanboy Smilie (First RE i ever played, back on my Nintendo 64, i played the first one just after that on the PSOne)

On the opposite, i'm definitely NOT buying Madworld, because of its music. Music might be the most important thing for me in a video game and i f***in' hate Gangsta Rap (whenever i hear some, i feel like punching every single guy in the ballz Smilie cuz' i hate it so much !) This game was made for Heavy Metal Style IMHO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I think they knew it was a niche game.
The gameplay is very arcadey and not many go for a spectical beat-em-up.

I think a similiar fate happened to TooHuman on the Xbox....only that had a heck of a lot more spent on it.
At the end of the day, just being a Diablo-clone wasnt good enough.
People like a little less repetition these days. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I think a similiar fate happened to TooHuman on the Xbox....only that had a heck of a lot more spent on it.

Not to mention Too Human has had such poor reception.

It\'s a shame about MadWorld really. I wanted to want it, but in the end nothing about it except \"Platinum Games\" as the developer drew me in. It seems like there are a lot of people who didn\'t want it that much in the end too.

( Edited 01.05.2009 13:05 by SuperLink )

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I just dont like the black and white take in madworld. If it was more sin city-ish i.e greys and good use of shadows then i'd get it.

I'm not sure how it is in Europe, but in North America (not just the US, but Mex and Can as well), this on-rail shooter thing is not getting a good response. People feel like they're getting ripped off, paying full price for a game where you're not really doing the playing, you're just going where you're told to go.

Personally, I agree. Part of the fun of a game is exploring and doing what you want, even if it's a linear game, you can still admire the game, play at your own pace, whatever. On rail games take that away and practically play for you. I'm not really interested in games like this.

Your getting mixed up, this isnt onrails. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Kafei2006 said:

Music might be the most important thing for me in a video game and i f***in' hate Gangsta Rap (whenever i hear some, i feel like punching every single guy in the ballz Smilie cuz' i hate it so much !)

Music that makes you want to commit acts of extreme violence. Sounds like it is the perfect music for this type of game then! Smilie

Why is everyone making such a big deal out of a weak start of a niche game? NMH start neither was stellar, but in the long run the game sold well enough to cover the costs + make some profit which secured development of a sequel. I am sure MadWorld will be the same story.

So basically, he's saying that he doesn't care if the company craps into a bin and sells that, as long as they slap "Resident Evil" on it?
Seriously... he mentions the brand name like seven thousand times in four sentences but he doesn't once talk about gameplay, mechanics, characters, plot, story, or any form of actual EFFORT at all. As long as it sells well, who cares what it is?
Ugh. I'm so pissed off. Shinji Mikami would be rolling in his grave, if he were dead.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:

Ugh. I\'m so pissed off. Shinji Mikami would be rolling in his grave, if he were dead.

Dun\' w\'ry, he\'s in a better place now; Platinum. All the best devs leaving Capcom for Platinum, my only regret is that Mikami won\'t be working on Ace Attorney anymore... Smilie

( Edited 02.05.2009 16:39 by SuperLink )

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Kafei2006 said:

On the opposite, i'm definitely NOT buying Madworld, because of its music. Music might be the most important thing for me in a video game and i f***in' hate Gangsta Rap (whenever i hear some, i feel like punching every single guy in the ballz Smilie cuz' i hate it so much !) This game was made for Heavy Metal Style IMHO.

You can turn the music off entirely, and you have dug yourself a grave in saying that you just want to hit things when you hear it, because that is what the game is about....
Heavy metal style wouldn't of suited it, unless they got capcom's team for DMC series on it, the music would then go completly, but I don't like rap generally, but I love the Madworld music, it's my work out music. All this coming from me. A metal head!

SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:

Ugh. I'm so pissed off. Shinji Mikami would be rolling in his grave, if he were dead.

Dun' w'ry, he's in a better place now; Platinum. All the best devs leaving Capcom for Platinum, my only regret is that Mikami won't be working on Ace Attorney anymore... Smilie

Yeah. I had just hoped that the Resident Evil series wouldn't totally kick the bucket without him... those hopes are rapidly fading.

NNID: crackedthesky
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