Square Enix Launches FFIV: The After Years Site

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2009 3

Square Enix Launches FFIV: The After Years Site on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have put up the official page for the WiiWare sequel to Final Fantasy IV - The After Years.

The SNES game saw its sequel, dubbed "The After", was originally released on mobile phones in Japan last year, and due to its success will be heading to the West via Nintendo's WiiWare. The official site has the usual beautiful Final Fantasy theme churning away in the background, as well as some story tidbits and artwork.

  • Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - Official Website
  • Box art for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years



    Square Enix


    Turn Based RPG



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    Since this game were going to be released on the wiiware they could use the same game engenee of the FFIV remake on the DS... and talking about remakes, Is it going to be a DS remake of FFV ?

    fenixazul said:
    Since this game were going to be released on the wiiware they could use the same game engenee of the FFIV remake on the DS... and talking about remakes, Is it going to be a DS remake of FFV ?

    It's a mobile phone game, and the Wiiware version is a port. The original game uses the same gameplay as the original FFIV, I doubt the Wiiware version will be any different.

    FFV remake on DS would make me explode with pure happiness.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    There are English screens of the WiiWare version on the site for those who want to see how it\'ll look.

    I still haven\'t completed FF4 yet. Smilie I got to the final dungeon on the PS1 SNES port and have just gotten an airship in the DS remake.

    ( Edited 01.05.2009 17:13 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

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