No Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.04.2009 10

No Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have revealed that due to file size restraints and lack of retail rights, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 won't appear on Nintendo's Wii.

When the company recently revealed that the much loved fighter would be available on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, fans were left wondering if there'd be a chance for the game to come to Wii. File size restrictions and storage would be the obvious deterrent and in this case it's also due to lack of rights to publish the game on a retail disc.

This is a downloadable play, not a retail play. We don't actually have any retail rights on this project. And there's no way to get anywhere near the WiiWare file size limit here.

With that in mind it's unlikely Wii fans will be able to zip about as Spidey or knock a couple of punches in with Ryu, but here's hoping… somehow, someday.

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Is this really an inherent flaw in the system or more excuses to be lazy? Xbox and PS3 architecture are not to different.

Nah, this is probably one of the very rare case's where the excuse is legit.
Even with the ability to store on SDHC cards, and thus free shitloads of data, running the game still has to be done from the internal memory. So thats 512MB absolute max, with a *much* more likely limit being Nintendos 40MB-ish restriction on downloads.

Fighting games tend to take a lot of raster space for animations.
That said, it could concievably be done by having the core game in 40MB, and having that read from the SDHC card for the games resource files, which are downloaded seperately. Thats a lot more work then a mere port though. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Hmmm... this smells like more Capcom BS. How big are the N64 & Neo Geo games on VC? Surely the WiiWare titles are more.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Anyone know how big the download is on Xbox Live and PSN?

I cant believe that Capcom will not release this game on Wii. i think that the 2D graphics will work wonders with it, they could also have an online mode that will make it even more interesting. Aghhh Capcom why do you have be such mean people?Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
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Capcom said their Live/PSN download is at least a couple hundred MB, which is already far too past the Wii's filesize limit.

This is as genuine an excuse as I have seen. The fault lies more with Nintendo's limits than with Capcom people; there's nothing we can do about it.

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Surely it was obvious that SOMETIME, the Wii was going to need bigger filesizes, why were they not included? This news SUCKS. In the word of Keven....MEH

This just breaks my heart... Can there not be some sort of alternative that won't turn into "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Party?" Jeez... Smilie

Scorp said:
Surely it was obvious that SOMETIME, the Wii was going to need bigger filesizes, why were they not included?

Because Nintendo wanted a cheap,solid state based console.
This means less space, but it also means we have by far and away the quickest loading/boot times. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Balls. COME ON Smilie

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