Rumour: LostWinds 2 on the Way?

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.04.2009 11

Rumour: LostWinds 2 on the Way? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest rumour on the ol' internet mill suggests that a LostWinds sequel is in development for Wii/WiiWare.

According to LiveWii (via Destructoid), an insider source is suggesting that a sequel to the successful WiiWare puzzle/platformer game LostWinds is being prepared, and will be announced at this year's E3 Expo.

Would you be interested in a LostWinds sequel? What other gameplay mechanics do you think would work?

Box art for LostWinds

Frontier Developments




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (12 Votes)

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I thought this was already "sort of announced" after the first came out? Especially since LostWinds seems more like the prologue to a full game.

Would buy another installment in a second. It was great fun.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Considering Frontier has confirmed this several times, I think we can safely say it's no longer a rumour Smilie One of the worst kept secrets Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Awesome! I loved the first one even though it was a little bit short. They had all the artwork for the new game a while back as well.

finger cross for E3

SmilieI beat that game 3 times it's great. Although it was a bit short. I also remember hearing about a sequel being the works a while back, but I'm hoping they set a release date at E3. I wonder what element they'll focus on next, and if the lost wind will still be your companion?

J Tangle said:
I wonder what element they\'ll focus on next, and if the lost wind will still be your companion?

It must be your companion still, seeing as the story in LostWinds was unfinished and cut off just as the main adventure was about to begin.*

I really enjoyed the first game though I found it to have no reply value as the game is boring to play through again.

Hopefully the next game is twice as long and has more variety in the types of locations and wind powers you can use.

*Tormented by Golden Sun 2 ending. Smilie

( Edited 25.04.2009 02:07 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
*Tormented by Golden Sun 2 ending. Smilie

Man, why'd you have to remind me of that Smilie

But also Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd love to see a sequel, but I hope it's actually fun unlike the first.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

The first was very fun, and got very good reviews all around.
If its not your sort of thing, its not your sort of thing. But just about everyone liked it.

And yeah, LostWinds2 was not only announced at the end of the first one, but since last year you could sign up to their site to be informed when its details are announced.

btw, fans of LostWinds *really* should get SoulBubbles on the DS. The gameplay is similar, yet different and more diverse. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Can't wait for the sequel, loved the first one.

its about time.

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