Capcom Reveal New Spyborgs Info

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.04.2009 4

Capcom Reveal New Spyborgs Info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have posted a new fact sheet for upcoming Wii comic action game, Spyborgs.

In Spyborgs you'll be taking charge of a group of cybernetic super-heroes who go up against one of their team members who set them up… to die. It's a co-op action game for 2 players, with over 35 stages and 3 characters to choose from as players battle swarms of enemies, boss battles and overcoming some deadly super-hero inspired obstacles. Bionic Games (made up of members from Insomniac Games and High Impact Games) is handling development duties - members of the team have worked on Ratchet and Clank and Resistance: Fall of Man.

Spyborgs offers "variety of vibrant environments and detailed character models", with a focus on co-op/2 players to play alone or with friends. You'll be able to jump between characters at any time to use their different abilities and even tag-team to get past the most fearsome of foes - "co-op finisher". Throughout the game characters will also be able to upgrade their abilities by collecting "crimson spark" from defeated enemies, and improve their strengths and combo abilities. Perform well and you'll be able to unlock some "achievements"-styled goodies.

At time of writing Capcom are still keeping quiet on what the game currently looks like (after the revamp earlier this year) - but there are a couple of tidbits to see:

Image for Capcom Reveal New Spyborgs Info
Box art for Spyborgs








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Sounds good. I'm glad someone is focusing on co-op play in games for a change.

I like that image on the screen in the bottom picture. I hope that's the way they're revamping it, prefer that look much more than their "Saturday morning cartoon" thing they had going last year.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Zephyr said:
I like that image on the screen in the bottom picture. I hope that's the way they're revamping it, prefer that look much more than their "Saturday morning cartoon" thing they had going last year.
Yeah that image they originally gave was too goofy.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

They seem to have chosen to listen to people and go with a more realistic style. Still cartoonish but as we see from the bottom image.....its looking COOL AS HELL!

And the video shows off some seriously awesome moves! This game has just hit my radar again and i have it locked!
I am waiting for a great review to launch my missile!

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