Konami DRiiFTs onto WiiWare with a New Racer

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.04.2009 6

Konami DRiiFTs onto WiiWare with a New Racer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami have revealed the debut screens from 8-player WiiWare racer, DRiiFt.

The exclusive game allows up to 8 players to simultaneously race about on the same screen atop a series of top-down circuits. There are 12 different tracks split up into 4 environment types - City, Snow, Hills and Oasis - and 34 vehicles divided up into 4 categories. As well as regular single player races/championship, there'll also be six unique multiplayer modes to race through:

1. Multiplayer Championship (free customization of races and car categories)
2. Team Race (participants are divided into two teams, with the winner determined by those that accrue the most points)
3. VIP (elects one player per team as a VIP vehicle, who must be protected at all costs)
4. Contamination (a player is marked contagious and must contaminate every other player within a set period)
5. Cold Potatoes (charges the user with collecting said vegetable and holding on to it for as long as possible)
6. Meteorite (normal race, while trying to avoid a series of meteors as they fall from the sky)

Image for Konami DRiiFTs onto WiiWare with a New Racer
Image for Konami DRiiFTs onto WiiWare with a New Racer
Image for Konami DRiiFTs onto WiiWare with a New Racer

The game is due for release in July 2009. More screens can be found in the album below.

Box art for DRiiFT Mania








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To be honest it looks like it could be fun. As long as the feature set in terms of pickups and track variety doesn't get skimmed down for the usual wiiware reasons, this looks like it could become a fun game.

I'll be watching gameplay impressions when they arrive Smilie

Hell yeah! The only thing better would be some "'Iron Man' Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road" action with full licensing and additional tracks.

I've played something similiar before and it was naff. Like some sort of rubbish, confined Micro Machines. I just don't remember what it was.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
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satsubatsu347 said:
Hell yeah! The only thing better would be some "'Iron Man' Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road" action with full licensing and additional tracks.

That is exactly what I thought when I saw these screens. I've had hours of fun with that game. If this game is half as fun as Off-Road, I'll have to have it.

Looks really fun Smilie
Sorta like micro machines.

( Edited 14.04.2009 23:28 by Falcon Armour X )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Most people would say "drift" but Konami wants you to say "dreeft"!


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