Resident Evil: Archives Due End of June

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2009 18

Resident Evil: Archives Due End of June on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Retailer listings have suggested a June 2009 release for Capcom's classic Resident Evil compilation for Wii.

According to a NeoGAF post it's known as Resident Evil: Archives, and GameFly as Resident Evil: Classic. From the looks of things it's to be a single (or dual) disc release with the Wii remakes of Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Zero.

A price point also indicates an RRP of $29.99. Stay tuned for official confirmation.

Box art for Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (1 Votes)

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looks like I won't be supporting Capcom until they release Monster Hunter Tri and that's only if they don't bring that pay to play online feature from Monster Hunter G.

It's so annoying how they only got their foot in the door with Wii only to bring On Rail gibberish and portsSmilie

I am guessing simply consists of the two Wii games, unfortunately. I would love that not to be the case though.

Well this port/remake/whatever you want to call it was always going to cause controversy. My opinion is that, whilst the preffered option would have been to completely re-style the games a la Resident Evil 4, this is good news for all die hard resi fans. Can nobody remember walking down that L shaped corridor for the first time when the dog burst through the window in front of you, so you turned in fear and ran back the way you came, only to be headed off by another jumping through a window in front of you? Or the first time you went up against Yawn the snake in the attic? Barry's porno voice - ''Jill, take this lockpick, it should be useful for you, the master of unlocking'' Fuck me, if she was that much of an unlocking master, she'd have one already Barry! The original Resident Evil set the standard for console horror, and the series has never let up since, although Resi 5 isn't really horror, just wave after wave of African zombie people. Bring it on, whatever the price, I'll pay it!

I am suprised there not selling them seperatly for $30 each.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

$30 for both games is actually not that bad. I may get it, simply for the convenience; both in-game and out. Better aiming = yay, and not having to fish through Gamecube cards and games all the time also = yay. No more changing disks mid-game, too.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

When they put 2, 3 and CV on a disc I might be interested. For budget price of course.

I'm pretty stoked, actually, seeing as I never played either game on the GameCube. I don't mind ports, as long as they're not in lieu of new content, which in this case I think we can safely say they're not. I mean, look at RE4:Wii Edition. That game was fantastic.

Have to agree with all of your talking about reliving a distant past... I did not get the GC versions so this should be a nice little addition to the library.

But Tangle does have a point, we should not keep settling for rehash from a company that has the money, time, and resources to give Wii owners compelling video game experiences.

Are they going to rework the pre rendered rooms. Its 2009. there is no room for pre rendered worlds on home consoles its embarrassing. If not then this is poor

Although Capcom disappoints me from time to time they are at least making it convenient for someone who has not played the old games before, like me Smilie

At least these aren't Rail Shooters...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

At least these aren\'t Rail Shooters...

Yeah ports of old game even better...Smilie

Better aiming = yay

There won\'t be better aiming

( Edited 13.04.2009 02:25 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0 said:
At least these aren't Rail Shooters...

Yeah ports of old game even better...Smilie

Better aiming = yay

There won't be better aiming

Actually, I might have to agree. Rail shooters just don't interest me that much.

Also, just about every site carrying this news says that both games have added Wii pointer control, for aiming.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Mario_0 said:
At least these aren\'t Rail Shooters...

Yeah ports of old game even better...Smilie

Better aiming = yay

There won\'t be better aiming

Actually, I might have to agree. Rail shooters just don\'t interest me that much.

Also, just about every site carrying this news says that both games have added Wii pointer control, for aiming.

What so old games you can find for tenner in some bargain bin do?

These games use pre rendereed backgrounds how can the pointer improve aiming.
Besides these games have already been re released in Japan and featured nothing improved in them whatso ever, not even a widescreen mode.

( Edited 13.04.2009 15:26 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0 said:

What so old games you can find for tenner in some bargain bin do?

These games use pre rendereed backgrounds how can the pointer improve aiming.
Besides these games have already been re released in Japan and featured nothing improved in them whatso ever, not even a widescreen mode.

yup, meaning even if you haven't played the game your still better out purchasing the GameCube versions.

If there were IR pointer controls(which they're not)included, that would mean Capcom would have to rework the entirety of both games since they are played in the style of classic(spastic camera angles & no over the shoulder view) Resi games. As we all can see Capcom doesn't have the initiative for games it has once had.

Okay, I keep reading that there is Wii pointer control, and people here keep saying there isn't. Which is it?

The background doesn't have anything to do with the aiming... but just about anything would be an improvement over the aiming system in these two games. You ahve exactly three choices, on the matter: You can aim straight ahead, you can aim at the floor, or you can aim at the ceiling. The latter two are a spectacular way to waste ammo, as they don't hit jack shit unless it's close enough to grab you, in which case if the single shot you can get in doesn't kill it, it's going to grab you. I can't even recall how many times I've gone through 75% of a boss fight only to finally figure out I haven't even hit the damn thing, between the poor aiming and the stupid camera angles. If they've improved this, then it doesn't really amtter if the background is pre-rendered or not.

Also, even if the games are identical, how exactly is buying the Gamecube version better? That's one of the stupidest claims I've ever heard. Basically, you have a choice between a single disc and no memory cards, or a double disc and the hassle of memory cards and controllers (especially if you use Homebrew a lot and you constantly have to plug/unplug the GC stuff) for pretty much the same price (or less, if both games together are $30) so how exactly is the Gamecube version the better buy?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:


Well it really depends how much are you willing to spend for old games. I know at Game Crazy down the street from me you can get both the GC versions for around 20$-25$. Now if removing GC accessories and disc swapping is such a bother put down the extra 5$ for the Wii version. IMO if removing a memory card and a controller followed by disc swapping is tiring to someone then they probably need a bit of exercise(unless they have some type of handicap or disorder). Then again I like playing games in they're original format. But hey we all have are own preferences.

I just don't feel that Capcom should get any more money(or at least what they expect to get) for rehashing there games. Especially since their claim was by supporting Zak&Wiki, RE4, and Okami(which I purchased all three to let them know I want games like that) we would get new games done in that fashion. Which has not happened. Also I find it highly unlikely that Capcom will make heavy changes to a product that was already re released in another continent without any changes. That's kinda a mixture of taking advantage of your consumers and alienating your fans.

Really though, it's a better buy for people who want/expect more of Capcom. Not giving them sells for the Wii version lets them know they've done wrong.

J Tangle said:

Well it really depends how much are you willing to spend for old games. I know at Game Crazy down the street from me you can get both the GC versions for around 20$-25$. Now if removing GC accessories and disc swapping is such a bother put down the extra 5$ for the Wii version. IMO if removing a memory card and a controller followed by disc swapping is tiring to someone then they probably need a bit of exercise(unless they have some type of handicap or disorder). Then again I like playing games in they're original format. But hey we all have are own preferences.

I just don't feel that Capcom should get any more money(or at least what they expect to get) for rehashing there games. Especially since their claim was by supporting Zak&Wiki, RE4, and Okami(which I purchased all three to let them know I want games like that) we would get new games done in that fashion. Which has not happened. Also I find it highly unlikely that Capcom will make heavy changes to a product that was already re released in another continent without any changes. That's kinda a mixture of taking advantage of your consumers and alienating your fans.

Really though, it's a better buy for people who want/expect more of Capcom. Not giving them sells for the Wii version lets them know they've done wrong.

It's not like it's a major hassle or anything, more like a minor inconvenience. But like I said, totally worth it if both games are going to be $30. Individually, I'd pass.

As for the second two paragraphs, great points. Maybe we should just go on the offensive, and flood their inboxes with our desires Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
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