Okay, I keep reading that there is Wii pointer control, and people here keep saying there isn't. Which is it?
The background doesn't have anything to do with the aiming... but just about anything would be an improvement over the aiming system in these two games. You ahve exactly three choices, on the matter: You can aim straight ahead, you can aim at the floor, or you can aim at the ceiling. The latter two are a spectacular way to waste ammo, as they don't hit jack shit unless it's close enough to grab you, in which case if the single shot you can get in doesn't kill it, it's going to grab you. I can't even recall how many times I've gone through 75% of a boss fight only to finally figure out I haven't even hit the damn thing, between the poor aiming and the stupid camera angles. If they've improved this, then it doesn't really amtter if the background is pre-rendered or not.
Also, even if the games are identical, how exactly is buying the Gamecube version better? That's one of the stupidest claims I've ever heard. Basically, you have a choice between a single disc and no memory cards, or a double disc and the hassle of memory cards and controllers (especially if you use Homebrew a lot and you constantly have to plug/unplug the GC stuff) for pretty much the same price (or less, if both games together are $30) so how exactly is the Gamecube version the better buy?
NNID: crackedthesky
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