Shimizu to Produce Wii Horror: Feel

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2009 8

Shimizu to Produce Wii Horror: Feel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese film director Takashi Shimizu is working on a new Wii horror title, Feel, as revealed in the latest Famitsu.

Shimizu is well known for his Ju-on series of films including "Curse" and "The Grudge", and now it looks as if he's jumping on the Wii horror train by producing an exclusive project titled "Feel".

First scans:

Image for Shimizu to Produce Wii Horror: Feel
Image for Shimizu to Produce Wii Horror: Feel

Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks for the tip.

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Hope it makes its way onto US market!

This is very exciting. The Grudge (the original, not the craptastic sequel) creeped me out more than any other movie I've ever seen...and I've seen a lot.

Argh no way...I couldn't watch Ju-on. I may have to pass on this Smilie

Nice, and hopefully his influence will really make this project worth following. Hopes for the west - yes - but not likely given so much is being dismissed for publishing over here.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Fuck thous pictures alone look quite scary damn i want this

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Fantastic news! Really hope this gets picked up in the West Smilie

samus_boy said:
This is very exciting. The Grudge (the original, not the craptastic sequel) creeped me out more than any other movie I've ever seen...and I've seen a lot.

You should see the straight-to-DVD US release 'The Grudge 3'... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Christ-on-a-bike, I didn't realise they did anymore Grudge films after the first one lol. Sounds like I didn't miss much Smilie

fofis ☺ (guest) 03.04.2011#8

muito bom esse jogo eu tenho Smilie

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