Wii Sports Resort Dated

By James Temperton 09.04.2009 6

Wii Sports Resort Dated on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A Reuters report seems to confirm that the follow up to Wii launch title Wii Sports might not be too far away as Nintendo of Japan have pencilled in a worldwide launch for the title.

The announcement was made by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata during an address at The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.

The article states:

Japan's Nintendo Co Ltd said on Thursday it would launch its Wii Sports Resort software in June in Japan and in July overseas.

Hopefully we'll get full final details of the game, which will come bundled with the new Wii Motion Plus feature, at E3 2009. So far Nintendo have confirmed three game modes, frisbee, jet-skiing, and sword fighting. Pricing details and information about other modes have not yet been announced.

For more details of the game be sure to check out all the screens and game page info by clicking the various links below this article.

Box art for Wii Sports Resort








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I'm definitely interested in hearing more details about this game, especially in regards to what other activities are possible beyond the three already showcased: frisbee throwing, jet-skiing, and sword fighting.

I still pop on Wii Sports for a quick play every now and again, especially the golf which is always good fun. Hopefully Resort will prove to be just as entertaining. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking this one up come launch.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

My family likes playing wii sports so they will prolly be getting this, looks pretty decent.

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The only sport that interests me in that is the Jet Ski. Too bad we don't get a true new Wave Race title on the Wii Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm really worried about the price of this thing. Nintendo knows it will sell regardless of price. They could use WiiMotion+ as justification for a high price Smilie

It's rumoured that M+ will cost about £10, so I wouldn't worry too much about an elevated price point. I could see them taking the hit to get M+ into more homes and placing it around normal game price.

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