Pokemon Platinum Event Hits GAME Stores Across the UK

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 30.03.2009 7

Pokemon Platinum Event Hits GAME Stores Across the UK on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Between the 4th to the 18th of April, selected GAME stores across Britain will be holding a special event: "The Search for Giratina" celebrating the impending release of Pokemon Platinum in Europe, currently set for the 22nd of May.

Attenders are encouraged to pre-order a copy of the game, amongst other activities such as face painting and battling other trainers. That's not all, fans who already own a copy of Pokemon Diamond or Pearl will be able to bring their copies of the game to receive the elusive event-only Pokemon: Shaymin.

Additional information, including instructions on how to get Shaymin from the event, and which GAME stores will be participating, can be foud on GAME's official event page.
Will any C3ers be attending an event near them? Be sure to express your thoughts below.

Thanks to wAyNe - sTaRT for the tip.

Box art for Pokémon Platinum Version

The Pokemon Company




Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I'll probably go, I haven't got shaymin, and now i've got all half term to go get it. Smilie

I'll probably go to the one in Nottingham. Smilie Legit Shaymin would be nice.

I'll go to one of the Sheffield ones. Will be the first time I've bothered with one of these events. Smilie

Really want to go, but living in Cornwall is a pain in the arse, as always. None of those venues are anywhere near me. Smilie

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Owen (guest) 03.02.2010#5

If anyone has a darkrai shaymin or regigigas event they missed.please email me at [email protected]
I have so many all are genuine.
Im trying to get a small pokemon convention, any ideas please email me.

rachel (guest) 21.03.2010#6

i htinl that it is unfair that people in the us get all of theese event and us in the uk dont

Latias (guest) 10.07.2010#7


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