New Pokémon Announcements Imminent

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.03.2009 18

New Pokémon Announcements Imminent on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Game Freak director Junichi Masuda recently discussed the future of Pokémon by teasing upcoming announcements.

IGN was able to talk to Masuda and game designer Takeshi Kawachimaru earlier this week as the pair were in town to promote the release of Pokémon Platinum next week.

IGN: The Pokemon series has stayed very similar throughout it's lifespan. Are there plans to revamp the game and give it an overhaul?

Masuda: Yes, I understand that people talk about the strength and weakness of the series. And we always make our effort to increase the good things about Pokemon. There is something we want to improve and enhance all the time. There are lots of ideas out there and we want to make that idea realized to enhance the gameplay of Pokemon. There is some day soon that we can make an announcement about new stuff, so that's something you can look forward to.

  • Full interview over at IGN
  • Fingers, and toes, crossed for a full-on Wii RPG!

    Box art for Pokémon Platinum Version

    The Pokemon Company




    Turn Based RPG



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    Finally... Please let it be soon! I can't wait much longer xD I need some Pokémon awesomeness on the way!!

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Definitely want a proper Pokémon Wii game. It's probably still too early for a 5th gen...and new generations are usually revealed by a new Pokémon in the anime anyway.

    Ikana said:
    Definitely want a proper Pokémon Wii game. It's probably still too early for a 5th gen...and new generations are usually revealed by a new Pokémon in the anime anyway.

    Maybe an MMO Smilie

    I hope they remake the 2nd gen like how they did Firered/Leafgreen.

    .:Zelda Adventures:.
    u guys are DNA.

    I think I read an interview somewhere where Junichi Masuda said there was no plans for a Wii Pokémon game, because the series was more at home at handhelds and blah blah.
    Anyway, I still won't lose hope. :/

    more then 4 attack and faster fights

    3D game play i know DS can do better


    Just too soon, that's all.

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

    m3g4t0n!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Prepare to be dissapointed.

    ^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

    Mario_0 said:
    Prepare to be dissapointed.

    Why's that? We're not talking about Sonic here. Smilie

    Ikana said:
    Why's that? We're not talking about Sonic here. Smilie


    Mario_0 said:
    Prepare to be dissapointed.

    Challenge denied. >:

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I'd like to see some real-time action, like we always have said.

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    PK Mongoose said:
    I\'d like to see some real-time action, like we always have said.

    I wouldn\'t, I don\'t want Pokémon to turn into a button-masher...
    Play with the story and structure perhaps but keep the battle system the same. It works and it\'s awesome.

    ( Edited 22.03.2009 23:17 by Ikana )

    Think it needs more story/sidequest elements, as D/P/Pl as good as they were, ended up being over quite quickly - sure there's online battles, and now the Battle Frontier in PL, but would like to see more story and less predictable badge, badge, badge, gym, gym, gym play.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Pokémon has fantastic story potential, and all RPGs have sidequest potential... there just aren't enough!

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Probably just Pokemon Ranger 3 or a new spin-off. Smilie

    Gold/Silver remakes would awesome. Smilie

    Wow, i really do wish it to be a Pokemon RPG too for the Wii.

    When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

    They have done fuck all to the main game in the last 10 years so I don\'t see why they would suddenly feel the need to push themselves now.

    I don\'t think much can be taken from his response, but if you do think that he\'s hinting at a Wii pokemon game then I wouldn\'t hold your hopes up, considering that every one of the console games have been utter crud. A Wii game with the same basic formula as the DS ones except in full 3D and not with shit 8 bit sounds, with a good online, and trading with DS, might be interesting but then that wouldn\'t be much of a innovation would it? Apart from possibly being a good console game.

    I bet it\'s a black Pikachu. They should give Square Enix the Pokemon license to make an RPG tbh.

    ( Edited 23.03.2009 02:22 by CuRoi )

    CuRoi said:
    They have done fuck all to the main game in the last 10 years so I don't see why they would suddenly feel the need to push themselves now.

    To be fair, spin offs are still games. In a similar situation that Final Fantasy games are now in, the main series games are there for those who want them, and the spin offs are there for those who don't.

    The have been numerous spin offs in the last few years which have built upon the basic formulas and even made new ones in different ways, but they slip right under the radar.

    Even if he's hinting as a G/S remake (I'm pretty certain he is, there's fuckloads of evidence suggesting one is in the making) then I am very happy. I highly doubt it's 5th gen, since no new Pokemon are in the anime yet, so a G/S remake, or a 3D game is all they could really be planning. Even if it's Ranger 3, Im happy with that Ranger 2 was a huge improvement over the first, it was long, and every moment was very enjoyable.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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