GTA DS Trailer: Dealing and Delivering

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2009 3

GTA DS Trailer: Dealing and Delivering on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rockstar have released a new trailer demonstrating how to deal and deliver in the upcoming GTA for DS.

In Chinatown Wars you'll take the role Huang Lee, mixing with unsavoury types, dealing for goods and shipping them around town in fancy cars littered about Liberty City.

Thanks to c3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Rockstar Leeds







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (17 Votes)

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I think this is going to be handheld game of 2009. It just looks sooo good and the DS gameplay mechanics fits in so well. Got mine pre-ordered, can't wait to play.Smilie

I can see some mother, yet again, buying this game for their child without even checking the rating and then throwing a hissy fit when she finds out what the game is really about. And then, it will suddenly be the game's fault when her son starts to grow up and change. Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

The first DS game I've pre-ordered in a long time. Smilie
ONM gave it 94%.

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