EA Trailer Discusses Tiger Woods Motion Plus

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.03.2009 8

EA Trailer Discusses Tiger Woods Motion Plus on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tiger Woods PGA Tour '10 will be making use of MotionPlus on Wii, and EA have shown a new vid of the game in motion.

IGN's hands-on preview praises the device, with the increased accuracy boosting draw and fade; a more natural approach to swinging and putting.

The benefit to putting is also tremendous. It feels much more realistic. You use a single putter and your power is determined by a combination of your backswing length and your downswing tempo. Hit it soft and it won't go far. Hit it hard and off it goes. A medium tempo swing should get you where you want to go. We've even added the ability to push or pull your shots when putting. The fidelity is that precise. The best part about it is that it's consistent so you can learn how to putt without even looking at the screen.

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10



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Looks awesome.

Looks very good - have been hearing a lot of positive stuff for MotionPlus; hopefully it'll really kick off a wave of quality motion products.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

look at that precision.

Hah, weather channel implementation, awesome! Of course that was possible some years ago (not sure how many games already had it).
M+ sounds good, I just wish they'd hurry up with it.

Looks really cool, I haven't playd a Tiger woods game since 98. I can't beleive how accurate it actually is, it's just awesome, and I like that they're using the Wii forecast channel, because, it has to be used for something.

Wow...what is this feeling I am getting, I think it\'s excitment over a..sports game?

( Edited 12.03.2009 18:16 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

It may be the first EA sports game I ever buy. Smilie

Let's just hope that WiiSports Resort is out by June. Smilie
Nintendo are too selfish to release WM+ before WiiSports.

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