Capcom: Try Dead Rising Wii Before Passing Judgement

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2009 24

Capcom: Try Dead Rising Wii Before Passing Judgement on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom's Seth Killian recently discussed the port of Xbox 360's Dead Rising to the Wii, urging fans to at least try the game.

When the initial screens and videos for the title crept up onto the Internet, fans and press were quick to judge its production values, feeling it doesn't quite match the original high-definition version. Killian feels that the game deserves a chance on the Wii, and that players should try and approach it with "fresh eyes", even though a comparision is inevitable.

I think if you actually take time to try the game on the Wii on its own terms and look at it with fresh eyes, there's a lot to love. There are things happening on the Wii that aren't happening on the 360 (and vice versa), and there are a lot of people that never tried DR on 360—they're having a lot of fun with DR Wii.

On a related Capcom note, Killian mentions that the company are pleased with the reception and sales for the download-only Mega Man 9 on Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3.

The full interview can be read over at Destructiod. Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop








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*looks at screenshots*

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urging fans to at least try the game.

Try? As in actually buy/rent the game?

id rent it from a friend lol. i ain't cought money for that game unless i play it on my own for free first!!! lol

-make it count- Hey if you wanna play Wii Games with me, check out my game portion of my profile and pm me if you wanna add me so I can add you!

Wow. How incredibly closed-minded.
Especially considering you're taking things like that crap video that was put out (just so you know, you CAN drive the car in the Wii version, they chose to not show that.)
Seriously. You're saying you're not even going to try a game based on screenshots? That's so irrational. You're just being whiny, now.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I played the demo on XBL and it was ok but it was nothing special. It would be better if there were maybe some bad ass bosses. I don't really mind what the graphics are like but I do care what it will be like to play.

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justonesp00lturn said:
Seriously. You're saying you're not even going to try a game based on screenshots? That's so irrational. You're just being whiny, now.

Why so serious? I was just trolling them for trolling us. Smilie

Face it, Capcom's been anything but great with the Wii efforts lately. Hopefully Spyborgs will change that.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

justonesp00lturn said:
Wow. How incredibly closed-minded.
Especially considering you're taking things like that crap video that was put out (just so you know, you CAN drive the car in the Wii version, they chose to not show that.)
Seriously. You're saying you're not even going to try a game based on screenshots? That's so irrational. You're just being whiny, now.

SmilieGo back and look at games like State of Emergency on PS2 and you'll understand why we're upset with DR Wii.

Just because you have low standards for Capcom doesn't mean we should tooSmilie

But he has a point, you know. Sure, it may be smecks, more creamy, extremely positive and funky on X360, but at least we should try. And being curious and rent it for 3 bucks and try it isn't a bad thing to do. Just do it. I don't need it, as it isn't my game, but why not doing as he says?

Wii games are ugly when it comes to screenshots and mostly trailers, but trying is believing.

By the way, I think it's not good, too, but I think he has a point. Maybe I will look at the game and rephrase my opinion. Maybe I don't change it, who knows, but at least you shouldn't copy all your opinions from biased gamesites or biased dear forum-friends like us here. No offense meant.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I don't have low standards. Look how much I'm complaining about Darkside Chronicles, and lack of RE5 in general.
But as someone who has actually PLAYED the game, I can tell you it's not bad. I had a ton of fun with it (I rented) and I plan to buy it when I get a chance.
And anyway, people who shun things without actually trying them just piss me off in general.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:


Wii games are ugly when it comes to screenshots and mostly trailers, but trying is believing.

Even if the game was in 16bit graphics with Zombie ate my Neighbor zombie sprites I could care less. My problem is with them cutting out the positive gameplay features from the original then tacking on casual controls. I played the original and liked it, but I don't trust MS enough to warrant me to purchase a 360.

Maybe I don't change it, who knows, but at least you shouldn't copy all your opinions from biased gamesites or biased dear forum-friends like us here. No offense meant.

Copying who? Well obviously we haven't spoken much for you to know me and my opinions on things. Nice to meet you the name's J Tangle Taboo Gamer extraordinaire. I only own a Wii, refuse to purchase a 360 because of genre flooding/hardware issues, and is still surprised by Sony's limited amount of good games. Grew up in a house of gamers. Strangely enough as a child most of my friends were PC gamers. And the last time I was a FanBoy was when DreamCast was mainstream.

and you are?Smilie

justonesp00lturn said:
I don't have low standards. Look how much I'm complaining about Darkside Chronicles, and lack of RE5 in general.
But as someone who has actually PLAYED the game, I can tell you it's not bad. I had a ton of fun with it (I rented) and I plan to buy it when I get a chance.
And anyway, people who shun things without actually trying them just piss me off in general.

Maybe I shouldn't of said that, but what do you expect. Alot of Wii users had high hopes for this and to hear someone say they're okay with what looks to be the minimum is uncomfortable to take. Not mention while in this generation of gaming I've started to build up a quality wall just for Wii games. Meaning I'm already lowering my standards for these games to begin with.

As for not trying before shunning a game. That's kinda what reviews are for. They give you the general info about the game. And yes there are Bias reviews but you don't have listen to just one review. Then you take video gameplay into consideration. After that there's people you know who've played it and there opinions on it. And finally your own personal opinion whether you be a fan of said series, looking for something good, or you just want to try it.

There are alot of things to take into account when someone makes a final decision on something without trying it. Because sometimes you don't have the chance to try the game. The only reason that should piss you off is if someone reviewed it, but never touched the game. In the end I wouldn't spend any money on this. Not worth the rent money IMO.

Speaking of a similar situation to this, SL have you played Zack&Wiki yet?!SmilieSmilie

Nope. Smilie Noone I know has it, there are no rental places within miles and miles, and I can't find it in retail anymore, let alone for under £40...

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SuperLink said:
Nope. Smilie Noone I know has it, there are no rental places within miles and miles, and I can't find it in retail anymore, let alone for under £40...

That sucks,

It's the only ground-up jewel from Capcom on Wii. My reactions when playing it were: "wow... *looks up at the sky through window* are all Wii Capcom games going to be this creative." To my sad surprise It seems they only got their foot through the door to start whoring out On-Rail titles and port after port after port...

What gameplay elements did they remove from the original? Besides the linear gameplay, I mean. I consider that a positive, not a negative. Being able to freely roam around is better than not.

I think that person was referring to everyone using the poorly made and highly inaccurate comparison video, as well as screenshots, to judge the game.

As for going by reviews... have you read any? IGN gave the game a very positive review. Their biggest complaint was in how the bosses are all regular people, and that factor isn\'t Wii-exclusive.
The thing is, the zombie count starts low, and increases as the game goes along (toward the later chapters of the game, I found them to be quite stifling.) And they respawn just about every time you turn around. The comparison video used shots form the early stages of the game, showing less zombies, and they also made it look like you don\'t get to take the car for joyrides (you do, and there are A LOT of zombies in the tunnels.) It also looks like there\'s a haze over the game at all times, and there isn\'t. Maybe it\'s there, but you won\'t notice it unless you\'re playing the 360 version of the game on a TV right next to it.
In action, the game looks fine. It looks like a current-generation Wii game, as it should.

So, you want reviews? You can use mine, I loved the game; and IGN\'s. What other ones are you going by? Everyone else on the site? Did they happen to mention that they haven\'t played the game, or seen it in action?

I\'m all for not playing a game that doesn\'t look interesting. But to go around, without having tried it, and say it\'s a BAD game, suggest that others don\'t play it, and, as some on this site have, follow people who DO like the game around and insult them on posts that have absolutely nothing to do with it, THAT pisses me off.

( Edited 12.03.2009 20:58 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Lol, IGN(orant) doing anything trustworthy ever.

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Yeah, it's not like they're the #1 website in gaming, or anything Smilie

Here you go, for reviews:

IGN: 6.9
IGN User: 8.6
Amazon User: 3.5/5
1up: B+
1up User: B+
Gamespot: 6.5
Gamespot User: 7.5
Gamepro: 3.5/5
Gamepro User: 4/5

Looks like average - above average, especially from users.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Reviews aren't the law, but I'm only winding you up anyway. Generally from footage and screenshots it looks like there's a great lack of effort. I know it's a port or bad remake of the 360 game, so I don't need to be a genius to see that the 360 version took more effort than this one, and of course it's going to be "good" if it keeps the core gameplay from the original. Doesn't mean there's nothing to complain about.

Really Capcom, if I wanted this game, there's no way I'd buy the Wii version.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Reviews aren't the law, but I'm only winding you up anyway. Generally from footage and screenshots it looks like there's a great lack of effort. I know it's a port or bad remake of the 360 game, so I don't need to be a genius to see that the 360 version took more effort than this one, and of course it's going to be "good" if it keeps the core gameplay from the original. Doesn't mean there's nothing to complain about.

Really Capcom, if I wanted this game, there's no way I'd buy the Wii version.

I know. You've voiced your opinion. You're not the one I have a problem with. Someone else was insulting me on other posts. I've had an argument or two with you, but at least you're not insulting me about it.

Like I said, it's fine to not want the game. But to say it's bad, to harass people who like it as some people have done, that's not okay.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:


Your obviously missing my point, so let me quote myself so you can try to get a better understanding.

As for not trying before shunning a game. That's kinda what reviews are for. They give you the general info about the game. And yes there are Bias reviews but you don't have listen to just one review. Then you take video gameplay into consideration. After that there's people you know who've played it and there opinions on it. And finally your own personal opinion whether you be a fan of said series, looking for something good, or you just want to try it.

There are alot of things to take into account when someone makes a final decision on a game without trying it.

You wasted your time posting those review scores. Since that's only a small piece of the pie on how I choose my games.

The 1st negative for me was that it's a port. Then I see how they removed the two main features of the game the camera and the Large amount of zombies. Next I hear about how annoying rather than fun the zombie poodles/parrots are. What makes matters worse are the things I see as huge negatives you see as positives.

The thing is, the zombie count starts low, and increases as the game goes along (toward the later chapters of the game, I found them to be quite stifling.) And they respawn just about every time you turn around.

I hate the fact that you have to work your way to the game's greatest gameplay feature. And random respawning zombies looks and sounds annoying as hell. Why don't they just respawn in the distance. That just sounds broken and not fun. So obviously when it comes to games not only are our opinions different, but so is our definition of funSmilie

I hate Seth Killian, what a dick head. I cannot believe he gets a SF4 character based upon him.

Linkyshinks said:
I hate Seth Killian, what a dick head. I cannot believe he gets a SF4 character based upon him.

SmilieLS don't you think that post will go better in the SF4 thread?Smilie

J Tangle said:

Your obviously missing my point, so let me quote myself so you can try to get a better understanding.

As for not trying before shunning a game. That's kinda what reviews are for. They give you the general info about the game. And yes there are Bias reviews but you don't have listen to just one review. Then you take video gameplay into consideration. After that there's people you know who've played it and there opinions on it. And finally your own personal opinion whether you be a fan of said series, looking for something good, or you just want to try it.

There are alot of things to take into account when someone makes a final decision on a game without trying it.

You wasted your time posting those review scores. Since that's only a small piece of the pie on how I choose my games.

The 1st negative for me was that it's a port. Then I see how they removed the two main features of the game the camera and the Large amount of zombies. Next I hear about how annoying rather than fun the zombie poodles/parrots are. What makes matters worse are the things I see as huge negatives you see as positives.

The thing is, the zombie count starts low, and increases as the game goes along (toward the later chapters of the game, I found them to be quite stifling.) And they respawn just about every time you turn around.

I hate the fact that you have to work your way to the game's greatest gameplay feature. And random respawning zombies looks and sounds annoying as hell. Why don't they just respawn in the distance. That just sounds broken and not fun. So obviously when it comes to games not only are our opinions different, but so is our definition of funSmilie

You're not the only person on this board, and you're dfinitely not the only person I posted that for. Try thinking about things like that before deciding to act like a douche.

The zombies don't respawn at random. They do it off-screen. They *sometimes* fade into exist in front of you. But not often. This happens far more often in Left 4 Dead.

Even at the beginning of the game, there are a fine number of zombies. I got cornered, outnumbered, and beaten to death on my very first mission.

And yeah, I get it. You don't like the game. You've got all these reasons. But they may as well mean nothing at all, because they aren't based on experience. They're based on you just saying them. So I could really care less about your opinion of the game, until you play it. If you picked up a copy, played it, then hated it; then I'd wish more power to you. But you haven't played it, and you obviously don't know what you're talking about, especially when you say things like it got bad reviews when it didn't.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

[b]justonesp00lturn said:
You're not the only person on this board, and you're dfinitely not the only person I posted that for. Try thinking about things like that before deciding to act like a douche.

ok... What kinda point are you trying to make with that post? Can you please be a bit mature and not start name calling. This is a place for debates.

And yeah, I get it. You don't like the game. You've got all these reasons. But they may as well mean nothing at all, because they aren't based on experience. They're based on you just saying them. So I could really care less about your opinion of the game, until you play it. If you picked up a copy, played it, then hated it; then I'd wish more power to you. But you haven't played it, and you obviously don't know what you're talking about, especially when you say things like it got bad reviews when it didn't.

I never said it had bad reviews where did you get that from? As for you not liking my opinion why do you keep replying to them? Matter of fact why do you even post in forums if you don't like seeing thoughts that differ from yours?

No camera on the Wii version = no interest.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

ok... What kinda point are you trying to make with that post? Can you please be a bit mature and not start name calling. This is a place for debates.

You insulting my intelligence, then saying that I was wasting my time posting reviews because you don't care. I wasn't posting those reviews just for you.

I never said it had bad reviews where did you get that from?

I got it from

As for not trying before shunning a game. That's kinda what reviews are for. They give you the general info about the game. And yes there are Bias reviews but you don't have listen to just one review. Then you take video gameplay into consideration. After that there's people you know who've played it and there opinions on it. And finally your own personal opinion whether you be a fan of said series, looking for something good, or you just want to try it.

Not sure why you would write an entire paragraph on reviews if you didn't want reviews brought into the discussion.

As for you not liking my opinion why do you keep replying to them? Matter of fact why do you even post in forums if you don't like seeing thoughts that differ from yours?

Because I think it's stupid that you're bashing a game you've never played. It's one thing to say a game doesn't interest you. It's another to say it's bad. And I never said I don't like thoughts that differ from mine. I said I don't care about YOUR opinion on a game if YOU haven't played the game. Big difference.

NNID: crackedthesky
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