EA Details Spore: Hero For Nintendo Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.03.2009 7

EA Details Spore: Hero For Nintendo Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA have shed a few details on the upcoming Wii-exclusive entry in to the Spore universe, complete with motion control.

EA's general manager for "Spore" and "Sims", Lucy Bradshaw, spoke recently to MTV Multiplayer on the spin-offs, and how the Wii version is shaping up for its release this fall.

  • Improved version of Spore's creator stage, with heavy use of motion control.
  • Full creator editor and procedural animation system from the PC version, with the mouse interface remapped for the Wii remote.
  • The Wii remote approach brings in gestures to get "closer" to the action with a range of new abilities and maneuvers. EA want players to feel they have direct control over their creatures.
  • The team is considering Motion Plus, currently looking at including it as an option.
  • There'll be no connectivity with the PC version, but there'll still be a similar evolution-based experience.
  • Your planet that you've lived on has had a catastrophic event and you're essentially plummeting to a new planet on the tail of a meteor. You arrive there and you start encountering new creatures. This is a new planet that you've got to make as your own. So you start in a series of quests and adventures in a kind of open world that you can take at your own pace. You start encountering other creatures and can interact with them in either combat or social [ways], but you can also do things on their behalf.

  • There's a strong focus on action quests - gaining abilities to unreachable areas, exploration of terrain etc. Evolutionary quests require your creature to meet the needs of other species and guide that beast's evolution.
  • Visually it's " definitely a Nintendo Wii game", that's said to meet Nintendo's image in art direction and style.
  • Spore: Hero is due for Wii this fall, alongside Spore: Hero Arena for DS.
  • Box art for Spore Hero








    C3 Score

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    Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (9 Votes)

    European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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    Visually it's " definitely a Nintendo Wii game", that's said to meet Nintendo's image in art direction and style.


    I've never played Spore for the PC but I hear it's pretty good.. Hopefully this one will be halfway decent.

    .:Zelda Adventures:.
    u guys are DNA.

    Zephyr said:
    I've never played Spore for the PC but I hear it's pretty good.. Hopefully this one will be halfway decent.

    No, it's not. Actually five different minigames with a waggly creature. Only character editor is really good.

    5 Minigames... definitely a Wii game, then.
    And considering the quote you emphasized it will have bullshit-graphics.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Thats unfair, its not 5 minigames, its 5 poorly linked -small- games, but they have depth and diversity beyond just minigames.
    Well, at least, some of them do.

    Full creator editor and procedural animation system from the PC version, with the mouse interface remapped for the Wii remote.

    Thats the most important thing, fantastic thats confirmed.

    The team is considering Motion Plus, currently looking at including it as an option.

    Probably Wright pushing for it.

    I dunno about the rest of the company, but Will Wright has written about the Wii and he "gets" it. He understands the idea of high-bandwidth controlls and how that fits perfectly with procedral animation.

    If they can combine MP controlls (say, specificaly controlling the arms in some 1:1 way), with a "evolutionary robot-wars" style gameplay it could work very well.
    However, I'm doughtfull they will do.
    Thats merely the direction the should go for imo.

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    sounds like a cheap money grab pc game is f=good though

    Sounds better than I expected. Because they focus on just some aspects, it could be better than the PC version.

    Spooore Heeeroes, Spoore Heeroes
    Bind you, confine you, defying your reign!


    I can smell the cheese already!

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    Sounds better than expected - EA seem to really want to put some effort in this year, so hopefully we'll get some quality outta this!

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