The Pokémon-filled island of Sinnoh makes a return to DS in Platinum, and Nintendo has released new screens and art.
The Western versions are heading into stores from March 22nd 2009 in North America and May 22nd 2009 in Europe.

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.03.2009
The Pokémon-filled island of Sinnoh makes a return to DS in Platinum, and Nintendo has released new screens and art.
The Western versions are heading into stores from March 22nd 2009 in North America and May 22nd 2009 in Europe.
(11 Votes)
don't get me wrong. i like pokemon. but i have come tired to playing it. over n over again.
i don't see what's holding them back to making a true pokemon game that would mirror an rpg like feel. maybe like Tales, or FF: CC. it would soo revamp the pokemon series.
(it sells best, but doesn't stay in flavor too long)
It's maybe because of Nintendo staying "true" to their series. Also, Nintendo already, in a since, did that with the Pokemon mystery dungeon series.
don't get me wrong. i like Pokemon. but i have come tired to playing it. over n over again.
Looks like someone's not familiar with the competitive battling scene
i don't see what's holding them back to making a true Pokemon game that would mirror an rpg like feel. maybe like Tales, or FF: CC.
Pokemon has never been about deep, miserable, depressing stories, its about the Pokemon, the battling and little else. The series needs no such revamp.
Good thing this guy probably hasn't played any of the Mario RPG's, i don't want to hear anyone tell me how that should mirror this "RPG feel". Angst ftl, Humor ftw
Pokémon doesn't need a revamp, but it does need more of a story, maybe a slight change in formula, and more general game additions. The story for the Pokémon universe has huge amounts of potential. Having the 4 mainseries games set in these 2 years almost seems like they're setting up for something bigger, doesn't it...?
Pokémon doesn\'t need a revamp, but it does need more of a story, maybe a slight change in formula, and more general game additions.
Hmm, well like i said its about the Pokemon, i think the legendary Pokemon should have a bit more of a story thing, but they\'ve done that with Arceus (don\'t believe me? Collect all the Arceus plates in D/P and try to uncover the myth yourself, it\'ll destroy your mind).
What i strongly disagree with is a deep story centered around the main character. Pokemon does not need any of that \"spiky haired main character whose parents are dead because of some accident and he\'s some chosen hero\" crap. Keep that BS in final fantasy where it belongs.
That said, i wouldn\'t mind a slight change in formula, and game additions are always welcome. I personally think Contests need more love, online Contests would so own.
( Edited 05.03.2009 18:34 by IxisNaugus )
I fucking hate Contests xD But oh well.
And no, no way would character revolved story be any good, at least not the player character. It was alright in Colosseum, but Wes wasn't all that great anyway. But the Teams set on world domination, and especially the general myths and lore of Pokémon. There is so much potential.
I mean, Gold and Silver did it perfectly. Lance was great in that, and even got a bit of character development. More connections to other games and maybe a little development on some of the more popular Gym Leaders, I mean some Gym Leaders are just Gym Leaders, and seem to be completely ignorant of the goings on. This needs to change.
I'm just glad that Platinum adds more story than some of the others (from what I read)
I think they need to up the story by quite a lot. There's a lot they can do with the pokemon but just aren't. Something like the movies would be great. Get the characters and pokemon more involved, rather than just the standard formula of kill team rocketalikes, get gym badges, capture box monster, finish.
Whatever happened to "Got to Catch them All?"
Keven said:
Whatever happened to "Got to Catch them All?"