Excitebots Wii Details, Art, Scans

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.03.2009 16

Excitebots Wii Details, Art, Scans on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's Excitebots: Trick Racing has been detailed with the first screens in the latest issue of Nintendo Power.

Unlike regular karting and driving sims you won't be piloting bog standard cars and trucks, but instead mechanical beasts on wheels - bats, beetles, turtles, praying mantises and ladybugs. Fancy taking it a little more naturally? Certain power-ups are said to unlock a pair of legs for running about instead of driving.

Vehicles aside, Nintendo Power says it remains true to the popular Excite Truck - with land deformation and Wii-remote control. For screens and more info, check out a scan on the Official Site.

Image for Excitebots Wii Details, Art, Scans

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Excitebots: Trick Racing








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Smilie geting this the sec i saw it

good to see games can still be crazy as this lol

this say it all

This game actually seems really cool. I am really intrigued by the idea of games (like poker) integrated into the racing.

Online play, sweet racing, and in-race games - I may just have to get this game...

I know people on other sites were talking down this game (what else would they do...), but when you really read about it and check out the screen shots it sounds like another fun game from Nintendo.

Here's hoping there's a lot of honest to good racing amongst all this mini game crap. Excite Truck with online and bigger multiplayer is all I want, and it'd be excellent.

And I hope the SD music support it back too.

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Could end up being a more fair version of mario kart.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I sure hope no crash Dummys were hurt in the making of this game! Though I must admit, I've always wanted to pilot a Gundam or similar mech. Perhaps I will find a Dummy to idolise if I follow the game closely.

To err is human. To crash is Dummy.

Slightly doubtful when I heard the name and saw 'mini games', remembered how much I love Excite Truck, laughed my head off (in a good way) at the box art, saw all this.

At the risk of becoming unpopular due to its style, I think it looks BRILLIANT, especially knowing they've kept the core of Excite Truck in place and basically worked on this for two years.

I can see it turning out pretty neat, and good to see a rethink instead of a straight sequel. Really need to see more of it in action before passing judgement methinks

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Kind of reminds me of another take on Mario kart. Should be quite entertaining.

Yeah they need to rethink that box art, it looks like some shovelware shit.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

the second i saw the turtle on the box..
i was like WOW THIS HAS TO BE GR8 ! Smilie

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

Uni Racers!!!

Right my hype for this just plummeted.

excite turtle car getting clown pickups to win a poker type card set thingy mid race.

Old school game logic never dies!

I'm astounded so many peoble like Excite Truck. I thought it was great with a chunk of something missing. It looks like they included a great heap of it into Excite Bugs. Online, crazy ideas like the poker game, more extras, considerably better graphics...

And a Pod Racer in red? What can possibly go wrong...?!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Smilie I'm sorry, but this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Just as SL all I wanted was a Sequel to Excite Truck. Use of SD music, new cars(not Beast Wars Transmetals), Online with WiiSpeak, and new inventive environment changes. Seeing this makes me think they thought the original was a failure and reworked it with Zoo pals to give something stupid for little kids & Old People(hints of why there's poker) to buy. Basically what I'm saying is IMO it looks like they turned their eccentric baby into shovel ware.

I'm holding my final opinion until I actually see it's gameplay, but come on WTF happenedSmilieSmilie

Hm...this could either be amazing or terrible. I'd like to see some gameplay videos...

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