New GameCube Tech Demo Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.03.2009 15

New GameCube Tech Demo Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new GameCube tech video has emerged, showing some early footage of what Nintendo's purple box could do back in the day.

Princess Peach decided to show off her castle renovations to developers and publishers back when Nintendo was giving birth to the ol' Cube, including lighting effects, environment mapping, multiple objects on screen and more.

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I love that song. Smilie

Oh, and the graphis look good too... somewhat. If only ALL the games were like that.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

WOW! really amazed by this!! If they used at least this with the Wii all games would be amazing lookwise. Damn you lazy devs!

Those are some good framerates considering all that\'s on screen.

( Edited 01.03.2009 23:48 by Andrezao )

Hard to believe this kind of thing is uncovered more than 5 years later huh? The visuals were great, but all the GC tech demos looked great. It's the same "This is in game I swear!" BS we get from every console.

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Well at least High Voltage has unlocked good potential from the Wii!

SuperLink said:
Hard to believe this kind of thing is uncovered more than 5 years later huh? The visuals were great, but all the GC tech demos looked great. It's the same "This is in game I swear!" BS we get from every console.

Well RE remake had most of these, specially spotlighting. Plus Tech demos are to demonstrate what the console can do, I don't think they'll come out with a tech demo that works on CGI. I can think of games that use these effects, just not all in 1 game. It takes up so much memory to do so, the file would've been gigantic and space/size is very important as we know.

Yeah, technical demos != real games, unfortunately. You can focus solely on showing off graphics when you don't have movement / AI / collisions / etc. to calculate and worry about.

That didn't surprise me at all. I always said, that Gamecube was a graphic whore itself. No other console back then throwed out more polygons per second then good old Cube. And look how far even Wii is pushed in it's early lifecycle stage - HotD Overkill, The Conduit... (But not much more then these games, shame!) And Wii is only Gamecube times 2! Consider how brillant games would look when walked all the way PS2 had gone from early ugly games to God Of War II! And all this with merely 40 watts per hour!

That's why I always whine about graphics on Cube an Wii, that's why I always growl at people talking about rubbish like Wii being poor. Sure, these where techdemos, but all was there the Conduit has to sell as possible on Wii: moving textures, bump, shadow, normal mapping, environment mapping, big textures, point lighting, yaddayaddayadda...!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The problem with the GC is that it was graphically capable to do most things, what it lacked was sufficient memory space to pull it off if I remember rightly.

Thats some pretty awesome stuff their Smilie

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Looks like we could've had a SMB642 but instead we had Sunshine. I do love Sunshine though.

Wow! This is a truly awesome tech demo. Smilie Smilie I wonder why Ninty didn\'t show this off? Bonus points for them using that classic Mario Sunshine theme. lol I love that tune! Smilie *hums along with the video*

The ol\' Cube really was a very capable system. Which was why I was constantly so irate with 3rd parties and their extremely half-assed efforts. Some were so bad that they actually looked and ran better on the PS2! :-x

With the advent of Wii, a system that\'s roughly three times more powerful than GameCube, has about 20% more efficient processing, is based on familiar architecture, and seeing what the ol\' GC could do when someone actually cared (Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike, Resident Evil IV, etc.), I thought \"They certainly wouldn\'t screw us over this time.\" Oh, the humanity! Smilie

( Edited 02.03.2009 18:28 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Echoes221 said:
The problem with the GC is that it was graphically capable to do most things, what it lacked was sufficient memory space to pull it off if I remember rightly.

That's correct, while the Gamecube could do all this, it's very hard to use all these in one game, the ram is one problem but, storage was another, this couldn't be done with the engines they had that would fit into the discs.

Andrezao said:
Echoes221 said:
The problem with the GC is that it was graphically capable to do most things, what it lacked was sufficient memory space to pull it off if I remember rightly.

That's correct, while the Gamecube could do all this, it's very hard to use all these in one game, the ram is one problem but, storage was another, this couldn't be done with the engines they had that would fit into the discs.

It was worth it to get "fun" mini-disks Smilie

At least they didn't repeat that with the Wii.

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I thought it was terribly boring.

justonesp00lturn said:
Andrezao said:
Echoes221 said:
The problem with the GC is that it was graphically capable to do most things, what it lacked was sufficient memory space to pull it off if I remember rightly.

That\'s correct, while the Gamecube could do all this, it\'s very hard to use all these in one game, the ram is one problem but, storage was another, this couldn\'t be done with the engines they had that would fit into the discs.

It was worth it to get \"fun\" mini-disks Smilie

At least they didn\'t repeat that with the Wii.

It was smart in a way, I mean after seeing what happened to the PSone (sooo many pirated games) thay didn\'t want to run the risk. and Why would Nintendo worry so much about it? Because they know people buy their systems due to their exclusive games. It\'s what makes it sell really, so yeah it worked, and even with it\'s limitations, it still managed to do wonders for the industry.

Also, It prob would still be hard because it would push the CPU way too much to process all that in the game plus AI, Character models, extra shaders, character rendering, etc.

( Edited 03.03.2009 14:36 by Andrezao )

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