MadWorld to Ouput at 480i Maximum

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2009 14

MadWorld to Ouput at 480i Maximum on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Upcoming action/gore title MadWorld will run in 480i as opposed to 480p.

According to IGN's Matt Casamassina, the game will be running in 480i, instead of the Wii's maximum output of 480p.

Usually, lack of 480p support can be credited to developer laziness. No way such a claim can be leveled at Platinum Games or MadWorld... I'm wondering, then, if the studio simply wasn't aware that 480p is 'kind of a big deal' for a chunk of Wii owners.

480i and 480p both output at the same resolution, but in i only 240 of the 480 resolution lines are viewed at one time, where as in 480p you'll be seeing all 480 at one time, which should provide the best possible picture for Wii games.

Thanks to Kotaku, C3 Reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for MadWorld








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Does it take much more work/resources to get a game running in 480p?

Yeah I read that blog post too. Surprising.

I think it has to do with the monochrome output of the game. The harsh lines would not be able to properly alias if there's no alternation between the lines. In madworlds case it might actually dampen the quality of the visuals for that reason. If, for instance, you use #adca28 colour against #b77024 colour, you'd want an amount of pixels in between to make the transition smooth instead of jaggy. If you do this with black and white, you get random shades of grey calculated lines. We all know that would suck balls looking at madworlds art.

I think the 480i is a clever alias solution. Which is why it was barely noticable in the first place, because it allows for sharper rendering.

I could be wrong, but I assume that's the reason. It would be a very, very clever move. Don't be fooled by just the numbers, look at the visuals Smilie

Interlaced normaly looks quite bad if the camera turns suddenly.
Aliasing really should be completely independant of interlace/progressive, and can be turned on/off or even have a different filter (hardware allowing, obviously, heavy AA really takes more cpu)

Does it take much more work/resources to get a game running in 480p?

Actualy, no, not really. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Interlaced normaly looks quite bad if the camera turns suddenly.
Aliasing really should be completely independant of interlace/progressive, and can be turned on/off or even have a different filter (hardware allowing, obviously, heavy AA really takes more cpu)

Does it take much more work/resources to get a game running in 480p?

Actualy, no, not really.

Exactly my point. Normally.

But black and white works different, you'll be loosing contrast if you'd apply it. It's really because it would mess up the palette, causing more blur. If you allow the sensible smoothing to naturally occur through interlacing, you're smart, because your art style won't suffer. I think that's why Matt hardly noticed, it's - ironically - for the better looks.

It's hard to explain, back in art school we used a similar trick for complementary red/greens on big screen animations. I haven't worked on madworld or had my hands on it yet so I can't tell for sure, but I'm almost positive.

This would, by exception, require a whole lot of extra effort to make it look well in 480p, because you're right: it usually isn't that much of an effort. Maybe this solution saves the hardware resources? I'm becoming very curious now Smilie

personally i dont give a shit.get a ps3 or xbox 360 if that puts you off so much.

rammpeth said:
personally i dont give a shit.get a ps3 or xbox 360 if that puts you off so much.

I agree with that to an extent. If high-res visuals are very important to you, then you need to look elsewhere. But that doesn't mean Wii owners should not have any standards. If a game can be fun and technologically sound, there's no reason we shouldn't expect it.

When people say stuff like that, it\'s almost as if they want/don\'t care about bad graphics.

Sure the game may be good, but that doesn\'t mean we\'re not allowed to complain about a few factors of it. If you don\'t complain about games, they\'ll never improve, and devs won\'t get the message. This may not be the same case, I can\'t think of why Platinum wouldn\'t throw 480p in.

( Edited 24.02.2009 16:13 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
When people say stuff like that, it's almost as if they want/don't care about bad graphics.

Sure the game may be good, but that doesn't mean we're not allowed to complain about a few factors of it. If you don't complain about games, they'll never improve, and devs won't get the message. This may not be the same case, I can't think of why Platinum wouldn't throw 480p in.

Have you tried reading the above comments?

Bit disappointing, but it doesn\'t really make much difference from what I\'ve seen. I saw it playing on a HDTV and it looked great.

EDIT: Rather, I played it on a HDTV.

( Edited 24.02.2009 22:27 by Mason )

erv said:

I think the 480i is a clever alias solution. Which is why it was barely noticable in the first place, because it allows for sharper rendering.

I could be wrong, but I assume that's the reason. It would be a very, very clever move. Don't be fooled by just the numbers, look at the visuals Smilie

I think you might be right. I don't think anyone would complain about the visuals if they never whether it was 480i or 480p. Sometimes people pay too much attention to specs and not enough attention to the way the game actually looks. I say as long as it looks good, they should do whatever works. I mean it's obvious that they're not lazy or that they don't care about what Wii gamers want.

Total fuckin' laziness.

I honestly care less what a game looks like as long as it exciting or gets me drawn in some how. We have nothing to worry about anyways because the game looks great and plays hot-damn good

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

How many of you can be accused of loosing a far share of your life to any/all of the 2D Mario or LoZ games?

You should now hang your head in shame if you are complaining about graphics. Smilie

The reality here is that most devs have a reason for doing what they do to finalized capability. If the next No More Heroes comes wrapped in blood crusted burlap there is a reason or gimmick behind it. Last I checked Mad World has a very limited palette game as a style choice. I recall little belly aching about that. The 480i is an extension of that.

How many gits demand 2 colors in \"1080p Blu-Ray ready 7.2 surround\" anyway?

Serious, isn\'t this game in 5 colors?

( Edited 25.02.2009 00:24 by satsubatsu347 )


erv makes a valid point, unlike the other newbs floating around here.

( Edited 25.02.2009 04:12 by ~phil )

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