Wii to Climb Konami's Silent Hill?

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.02.2009 20

Wii to Climb Konami

A listing on developer Climax's website confirms an untitled Konami project in the works for Wii and PSP.

Whilst the association with Konami doesn't necessarily mean an instant confirmation for the popular survival horror series, Climax previously worked on Silent Hill Origins for Sony's PlayStation 2 and PSP.

Job listings also note a "stunning and refreshing take on the horror genre" as part of their future projects.

Thanks to NeoGAF.

Would you like to see Silent Hill on Wii? How would you see the existing setup work with Wii remote/nunchuck?

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Hell yeah! Konami's previously said it didn't think Silent Hill would be suited to the Wii audience. However, perhaps the slew of more mature games from SEGA, plus success with all four RE releases from Capcom in Japan so far has shown there IS a market after all...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hahaha yes! Konami must be sitting down chewing their hats for saying "there's no audience for that". Specially considering that MGS4 was below expectations sales wise.
Hope this ends up good!

Would be great.Smilie The Silent Hill games still continue to scare me even after playing them all to death already.

I think Silent Hill would be refreshing on the Wii. Punch, swipe, and hammer mutilated fiends as you play pawn to spacemen...

And they thought Silent Hill was not suited for the Wii?

( Edited 23.02.2009 00:37 by satsubatsu347 )

YES! That sounds good it will be awesome to have Silent Hill on Wii! YES YES! SmilieSmilie

--- I am in room 218 ---

I like the idea of a Silent Hill title on the Wii. I don't like the idea of it being developed alongside a PSP title, which screams PORT to me.

imagine it on wii???? how refreshing will tht be for the series??? the remote as ur torch wud b gteat.


On rails shooter confirmed?? I remain skeptical. MGS4 sold really well, what are you talking about?

I hope it's NOT on-railsSmilie

not developed by konami = no buy

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

Its great how developers still group the wii with PSP developement. Almost like its a simple matter of PS2 graphics with waggle.
There is a hardcore market for all consoles and if there were new intuitive titles there would be more. But most have been remakes or dumbed down. The new Dead Space title is a clear example

I hope this is true.

I LOVE Silent Hill. I soooo hope this is true!

A new one I hope and not a port please.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing Silent Hill 2 with updated graphics. The graphics for that game look horrible now, especially on HD tv.

1.) MGS4 sold very well, but was limited by the PS3's smaller userbase.

2.) Climax did a great job with Silent Hill Origins.

3.) Tenchu 4 shows that PSP/Wii development can work, with Wii being the main platform and the end result being squased onto the PSP as best as can be achieved.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
1.) MGS4 sold very well, but was limited by the PS3's smaller userbase.

2.) Climax did a great job with Silent Hill Origins.

3.) Tenchu 4 shows that PSP/Wii development can work, with Wii being the main platform and the end result being squased onto the PSP as best as can be achieved.

Konami reported that it was disappointed with MGS4 sales... I'll see if I can find the link to the report but yeah, independent of userbase, they knew what they were getting into. It didn't shift hardware as they thought it would. It's like they thought it would sell so much that it would shift heaps of Ps3's like enough to surpass the Wii's monthly or so. Didn't happen, just shows that Core games on Core consoles not always do well.

But yeah it was funny how they dissed this Wii opportunity ages ago and now, seeing that Core games are selling very well on the Wii (as long as it gets ads for it), they are prob thinking of it. I hope they do, I really am not going against this, but just thought it was funny how they changed their mind if they really did.

The Wii seems to be horror game central at the moment. It would be hard for Konami to say no under these circumstances I think.

With the Wiimote, the Wii is the closest thing to an arcade machine there is on the console market, so that may explain why.

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Mmm couldn't find the Konami Report, I'll keep searching but this relates to it: MGS4 it sold 1m in 7 months in the US. Sure 1m is heaps but not too big for what they thought it would. Think about it this way: SSBB sold a lot more in that time and it's on the Wii, surely that says something no?

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jesusraz said:
Konami's previously said it didn't think Silent Hill would be suited to the Wii audience. However, perhaps the slew of more mature games from SEGA, plus success with all four RE releases from Capcom in Japan so far has shown there IS a market after all...

I agree completely. Plus all the other mature titles upcoming. The Wii definitely has a lot of mature titles, both released already or yet to be released. Can't be a bad thing ^^ !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I think that it would go well on the Wii becuase if ManHunt 2 can come out on Wii then I think that silent Hill can. If it would have decent wii controls and the graphics wern't a let down then it should work and sales would skyrocket.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Silent Hill has the ability to be a fantastic game if it is released on the Wii but it can\'t be censored in any way,it requires advertising - I had no idea about Deadly Creatures until Marzy mentioned it about 3 or 4 months ago - and if attacks are carried out with waggling the Wiimote then there has to be an option to turn that off, for fear of ostrasizing (ooh) people who are new to the series. Hardcore fans and people who have played it before will be likely to at least rent this, if not buy it, I can\'t wait for Friday when the new SH game comes out for the PS3, but if there\'s a Wii release and its a different game from Silent Hill: Homecoming, then I\'ll happily shell out to have a play, I haven\'t played Silent Hill since the original on the PS1 but am sure it will not disappoint, Konami generally don\'t

( Edited 24.02.2009 19:38 by Scorp )

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