Inafune Discusses Monster Hunter 3

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2009 3

Inafune Discusses Monster Hunter 3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a recent podcast, Keiji Inafune discussed the state of the Wii: Capcom isn't cutting corners with Monster Hunter 3.

Inafune, known as the designer/director for the Mega Man series, discussed the company's future projects, including Dead Rising 2 and Monster Hunter. He informs us that Capcom are working incredibly hard with the Wii-exclusive adventure, and although third-party Nintendo titles are said to not do so well in Japan, they're still trying to make it one of the best Wii experiences to date.

Of course the Wii is a very important part of our multi-platform strategy. Games like RE4 on the Wii and Umbrella Chronicles have done quite well for us, and of course there's Monster Hunter. Although it isn't too popular, it was the number one selling title in Japan last year. So that goes to show we are very serious about the Wii as a company. People say that third-party Wii games don't sell in Japan, but I can honestly say that we are cutting no corners with Monster Hunter Tri. There's a lot of pressure to make it succeed, and I'm sure there will be a lot of shocked gamers out there when they see just how good Monster Hunter Tri looks. Please don't worry. We are putting a lot of effort into Wii as well.

Hopefully with this amount of resources being spent on the title it'll see a full Western release some-point in the future.

Thanks to IGN.

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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Excellent, it's great to see a Dev that is excited or compromised with his game like he is. If it comes to the West, I'll even buy my friends a copy!! haha

when when when when when when when????????
this looks absolutely brilliant, looking forward to this as much as i did with LOZ:TP, cant wait to team up with people online to take out the big beasts (assuming i dont get the old (disconnected during data transmission thing again)

That's very reassuring and I'm glad to hear it!

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