FF Echoes of Time Wii/DS for EU Next Month

By Adam Riley 18.02.2009 7

FF Echoes of Time Wii/DS for EU Next Month on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has announced FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Echoes of Time will be released in Europe and across PAL territories on 27th March 2009, exclusively on both Nintendo DS and Wii.

Introducing the World's first cross-platform multiplayer adventure for the Nintendo DS & Wii systems. Set in the fun and friendly CRYSTAL CHRONICLES universe of the FINAL FANTASY series, FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Echoes of Time delivers a unique and innovative experience where both Nintendo platforms come together in perfect harmony. With up to four-player multiplayer gameplay, this is the most accessible take on the FINAL FANTASY universe, allowing players to enjoy the CRYSTAL CHRONICLES experience from anywhere in the world thanks to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection mode.

"The release of FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Echoes of Time shows Square Enix's continuous commitment to bringing innovative gaming experiences to European players. The colourful world of CRYSTAL CHRONICLES provides the ideal opportunity for all Wii and Nintendo DS owners to come together and enjoy this magical adventure with their friends."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.

A triumphant return from a monster-infested forest marks the completion of the 16-year-old hero's coming-of-age ceremony. However, the hero's joy is short-lived as a young village girl is found to be afflicted by a mysterious illness known as "crystal sickness." Determined to obtain the cure, the hero steps out of the secluded village for the first time, only to discover a world in which crystals are merely artifacts of the past and no longer exist...

  • Wii and Nintendo DS players can share their adventure together through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and Wireless Communication.
  • 2-4 player multi-play through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection & Wireless Communication mode.
  • Over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection: 4 players max (any mixture of Wii and Nintendo DS hardware).
  • Wireless Communication: 4 players max (either up to 4 players on Nintendo DS hardware, or alternatively 1 Wii hosting up to three Nintendo DS players).
  • Players can register their own phrases on top of many fixed phrases available for easy communication in multiplayer.
  • Over 300 different items and costume combinations add to the fun. Changes to costume/equipment are directly visible on your character in the game.
  • Trade with friends using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection functions.
  • Play in four different languages - English, French, German and Spanish. The multiplayer mode can be played seamlessly even when each player selects a different language.

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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That was quick!!! Smilie

I hope I can get something cleared up though. Can you do multiplayer from the Wii by owning just ONE copy, or do you inevitably need to buy 2 of any combination? Smilie

( Edited 01.01.2013 19:12 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah your right XD I was expecting it to be quite a while before they release it down here.

( Edited 01.01.2013 19:12 by Guest )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Funnily enough i just got myself a copy of Crystal Chronicles for the GC. Far more enjoyable than the numbered series, that's for true.

I've decided to pursuit the CC series, however i am skeptical about this installment. The idea of it all seems a bit... dodgy. I'm not going to pass judgment though as it may play quite well. I just don't know what bloody version i'm supposed to buy; one part of me wants the DS copy, another is telling me to go for the Wii copy. One thing will sort this out though, i'm going to wait for a little bit, if there is content confirmed exclusively for either title then i'll just get em both. Wonder how much the Wii copy will cost...?

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

SuperLink said:
I hope I can get something cleared up though. Can you do multiplayer from the Wii by owning just ONE copy, or do you inevitably need to buy 2 of any combination? Smilie

Do you mean can you have four players playing on just one Wii?

Falcon Armour X said:
Yeah your right XD I was expecting it to be quite a while before they release it down here.

S-E's trying its best to get the US and Euro releases closer together nowadays, as we've seen with DQV, Valkyrie Profile and this.

IxisNaugus said:
...however i am skeptical about this installment...

FFCC: Ring of Fates is a brilliant DS Action RPG and Echoes of Time is basically that game, but even better than before, plus with online multiplayer!

IxisNaugus said:
Wonder how much the Wii copy will cost...?

For reference, in Japan it was the same price as the DS version.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

FFCC: Ring of Fates is a brilliant DS Action RPG and Echoes of Time is basically that game, but even better than before, plus with online multiplayer!
I hear good stuff of RoF, i see it around from time to time so i\'ll pick it up soon hopefully, if this does play just like it then i\'ll more than likely buy it as well

For reference, in Japan it was the same price as the DS version. Nice. hopefully it wont be £40, but i\'m expecting around £29.99 since i\'ve been seeing more Wii games going for that price. Deadly Creatures goes for that price in Gamestation, anyone know why that is?

( Edited 18.02.2009 16:58 by IxisNaugus )

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

Oh my gawrsh!

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

IxisNaugus said:
Nice. hopefully it wont be £40, but i'm expecting around £29.99 since i've been seeing more Wii games going for that price. Deadly Creatures goes for that price in Gamestation, anyone know why that is?

I'd reckon £29.99 as well. Not sure why Deadly Creatures is that price, though. I thought it would have been £39.99 at least, especially given how it's been severely under-shipped here in the UK (hence it's low start in the UK Wii chart this week).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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