Square Enix Updates Nintendo DS Sales

By Adam Riley 18.02.2009 8

Square Enix Updates Nintendo DS Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the buyout of Eidos looking more and more likely as the days go by, a new report has also revealed updated sales figures for some DS games, such as Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger.

Check out the numbers below, as well as games from other systems:

Total Shipment Numbers (Breakdown: Japan | North America | Europe)

  • Final Fantasy IV (NDS) - 1,080,000 (610,000 | 290,000 | 180,000)
  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) - 1,960,000 (820,000 | 660,000 | 480,000)
  • Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (NDS) - 650,000 (310,000, 220,000, 120,000)
  • Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen (NDS) - 1,450,000 | 1,190,000 | 110,000 | 150,000)
  • Chrono Trigger (NDS) - 710,000 (490,000 | 220,000 | Not Released at Time of Report)
  • Last Remnant (360) - 490,000 (160,000 | 190,000 | 140,000)
  • Infinite Undiscovery (360) - 440,000 | 120,000 | 200,000 | 100,000 | 20,000 in other Asian territories)
Whilst Chrono Trigger had yet to be released in Europe at the time the figures were collated, from its initial two weeks on release in the UK it has already proven to be Square Enix's strongest performing DS title since Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, with it sticking at No.10 on the Full DS Top 40 for two weeks in a row, lingering just outside the Top 40 Individual Formats list. With Dragon Quest IV continuing to notch up strong sales in Europe/UK whilst never even breaking the DS Top 40, clearly signs are positive that Europe could help Chrono Trigger edge closer to the worldwide million mark.

As for the recent updates on Square Enix's Eidos bid, it has been confirmed that Warner Bros, a 20% stakeholder in Eidos, has given the thumbs-up with regards to the plan. This now means that a total of 36% of the shares behind the acquisition proposal.

Meanwhile, Square Enix has elaborated on why it has a strong interest in purchasing the UK company. Square Enix pointed out that the Tomb Raider series has so far amassed worldwide sales of 30 million, the two Deus Ex games have sold 2.4 million units, the Hitman series is now around the 8.3 million mark, whilst Kane & Lynch: Dead Men has moved through 1.7 million units. the talented staff at the offices in Britain, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, China, Canada and the US were also fingered as being key reasons for interest.

If everything goes to plan, with all the shareholders being in agreement, the purchase will go ahead as soon as April this year.

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Our member of the week

I bought Dragon Quest 4 yesterday. Thought it was about time i did, since Dragon Quest 5 is released this Friday.
I'm already in chapter 3. It's a really good game, i encourage any old school RPG fan to buy it too.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

DQIV is one of my favourite RPGs on DS so far, along with Chrono Trigger (review hopefully coming next week). I can't wait to get my teeth into DQV!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I couldn't help but notice the DQIV sales in Japan compared to the sales of NA and EU. Some people just have no respect for a great series...

DQIV is one of my favourite RPGs on DS so far, along with Chrono Trigger (review hopefully coming next week).
Maybe this has a shot at beating the almighty Wii Fit. Because we all know Super Paper Mario couldn't do it

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

IxisNaugus said:
Maybe this has a shot at beating the almighty Wii Fit. Because we all know Super Paper Mario couldn't do it

Wow, I've seen you make similar digs in several places now Smilie

Do you know that I gave DQIV 9/10 as well, toying with the idea of giving it 10/10? FFIV would get a 9/10 from me as well, along with Chrono Trigger.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wow, I've seen you make similar digs in several places now
Come on, at some point you must have realized that something was amiss. Wii Fit: Gameplay = 10 (A perfect 10.... Wii Fit... Gameplay). Super Paper Mario: Gameplay = 7 (if i remember correctly). While going through your reviews, you MUST have stumbled on the possibility that Wii Fit in fact does not have superior gameplay to Super Paper Mario. Goodness knows how Wii Fit's gameplay got a rating higher than 2!

Why must you ask me to invest £70 on a device that i do not need because my local gym is down the road, claiming it to be better than Super Paper Mario.

Do you know that I gave DQIV 9/10 as well, toying with the idea of giving it 10/10? FFIV would get a 9/10 from me as well, along with Chrono Trigger.

The great games get great scores, but the one title that is as far from a game as possible gets a perfect rating for gameplay? J-dude, you're kinda sending out mixed messages here...

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

IxisNaugus said:
Wow, I've seen you make similar digs in several places now
Come on, at some point you must have realized that something was amiss. Wii Fit: Gameplay = 10 (A perfect 10.... Wii Fit... Gameplay). Super Paper Mario: Gameplay = 7 (if i remember correctly). While going through your reviews, you MUST have stumbled on the possibility that Wii Fit in fact does not have superior gameplay to Super Paper Mario. Goodness knows how Wii Fit's gameplay got a rating higher than 2!

Why must you ask me to invest £70 on a device that i do not need because my local gym is down the road, claiming it to be better than Super Paper Mario.

Not this crap again. Do you have no concept of context?

They're 2 entirely different games that serve entirely different purposes. It's practically pointless comparing a score for Super Paper Mario with Wii Fit.

Maybe if you bothered reading the actual content of the review you'd understand it better.

Not this crap again. Do you have no concept of context?

They're 2 entirely different games that serve entirely different purposes. It's practically pointless comparing a score for Super Paper Mario with Wii Fit.

Maybe if you bothered reading the actual content of the review you'd understand it better.

My my, aren't you a little more up front than other members of C3. Well you seem to know what you're talking about, so why don't you tell me why i should stand on a white board rather than go to the gym.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

IxisNaugus said:
Not this crap again. Do you have no concept of context?

They're 2 entirely different games that serve entirely different purposes. It's practically pointless comparing a score for Super Paper Mario with Wii Fit.

Maybe if you bothered reading the actual content of the review you'd understand it better.

My my, aren't you a little more up front than other members of C3. Well you seem to know what you're talking about, so why don't you tell me why i should stand on a white board rather than go to the gym.

My my, aren't you being a little arrogant?

1) For many people it might be more fun and engaging. Few people relish the prospect of running on a treadmill for half an hour.

2) It's a cheaper alternative to regular gym memberships.

3) It provides plenty of feedback and tracking, tying in with point 1. This makes it easier to tell how well you're doing.

4) It's more convenient. Born out of a mixture of the factors above, and the fact you don't have to take dedicated time out at the gym or half hour jogs.

There's plenty of stuff out there if you want/need more information.




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