Mario & Sonic Winter Olympics Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2009 5

Mario & Sonic Winter Olympics Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

ONM subscribers recently received a copy of the UK magazine and basic details on Mario and Sonic have emerged.

  • Available on both Wii and DS, again with specific mini-games and control schemes.
  • Sega of Japan aim to make environments more realistic, and similar to the Vancouver real-life counterparts, but retaining the Mario and Sonic style.
  • DS events include snowboarding and bobsleighing, with touch-screen and D-pad control expected, with a "virtual snowboard" on the bottom screen.
  • Balance board support is expected for the obvious ski and snowboard control, but some guess work suggests balance-board bobsleigh could be a neat addition to the Wii version.
  • The magazine also has a bunch of exclusive screens that unfortunately can't be scanned in, but will likely become available on the internet shortly. For now, be sure to check out the short teaser sampler released earlier this week:

    Box art for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games








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    it looks good till another tarilerSmilie

    Wii code:

    Wow, that looks a lot "cleaner" then the original mario and sonic game.

    When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

    Looking better - hopefully they'll tune up the controls and online side of things.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    please let there be more characters and events such as the half-pipe

    Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

    Wonder if it will have any proper wifi, looks good never the less Smilie

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